Chapter: Fourteen

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[Author-nim p.o.v]
Ahyun openes her eyes slowly.She tries to look clearly as she is still a bit drowsy.She looks around,a big place - its not a room,more like an empty hall.Its made with cement,no furniture or anything in sight. Its almost dark with just a small light on top of her.The place reeks of smoke.Its cold,she tries to hold herself but just then she notices that she's sitting in a chair & her hands & legs are tied to it.

She tries to move,the grip is strong.She huffs & tries to remember what happened.She came out from the usual grocery store &....someone put something in front of her nose.She remembers the smell, it was chloroform. Her eyebrows crease together in confusion. She's kidnapped,who could do this? Dad's rival? He doesn't have one.Mom's rival? She's too nice.Someone from the hospital? Nah,they love her.Chaeyoung's rival? Those plastic dumb women can't do this.

She thinks but still can't seem to figure out who it could be.She tries to rip the thread around her but fails every time.She helplessly looks at her bag that sits on the ground, far from her.

After an hour of thinking & trying to escape,she finally hears some footsteps shuffling towards her direction.She stops what she was doing,looking at the dark doorway.In the eerie silence of the room,those footsteps sound so loud. & finally some people appear in front of her.

Her eyebrows crease even more at the sight of some men in black,she hasn't seen them once in her life. The middle guy has a black hair with mullet.

The one to his left is tall with silver hair.

the one next to him has newgrown hair & an annoyed look plastered to his face.

the one next to him has a hoodie covering his face.

To the right of the middle guy is a short guy with styled up hair.

The one next to him has a sculpted face - almost looks like a mannequin. The one next to him is tall too.

The middle one looks like their leader.When his eyes fall on Ahyun,he smiles in glee while looking at the girl,so helpless.He feels so satisfied for what he could finally do,kill them.Ahyun is infuriated immediately just at the sight of the man smirking.

AH:"Who the fuck are you?"

She seethes right at the men,the leader pretends to make a surprised face.

Leader:"Woahh! Look at her! Fiesty,I see."

He smiles at her in a perverted manner which makes her want to puke.

Hooded guy:"You don't know?"

Silver haired guy:"Suga didn't tell you?"

AH:"Who the freaking hell is Suga?"

They broke into a laughter,as if mocking her.

Short guy:"Wow! You don't even know who he is!"

He says in a mocking tone & Ahyun glares at him with all her might.

AH:"Just tell me who the fuck you are & why did you kidnap me?!"

Mannequin guy:"Usually,pretty girls like her aren't so brave & fiesty,she's different."

She raises an eyebrow annoyedly.

Leader:"Suga really got a pretty girl there."

They eye her with dirty eyes,she gulps at the sudden thought but tries to shoo it away. She needs to be confident & tough.The leader takes out a ciggerate from his pocket,lighting it up with a lighter & looks at Ahyun.

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