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[Author-nim p.o.v]
Yoongi & Ahyun,walking towards each other from two sides of the hallway,Namjoon sees his opportunity. He fast walks behind Ahyun,when Yoongi comes closer he pushes her.Ahyun suddenly discovers that she is falling down,forward.In front of her is Yoongi in a shocked expression,Ahyun tries to hold onto something.Not finding anything to grab,she closes her eyes helplessly.Yoongi rushes towards her & grabs her by his uninjured hand,sliding his arm around her back.She was waiting for the hard ground to hit her but she feels nothing as if she's floating on the ground.She opens her eyes slowly,Yoongi's cute face is what she sees first.Her eyes widen,staring at Yoongi's calm ones.

His eyes are calm but his heart is going wild,about to come out of its cage.Their faces are close to each other to the point where they can feel each others breath on their nose.Ahyun flushes red as she panicks a but but she can't seem to look away from Yoongi's intense stare in her eyes as if he's trying to find a precious thing of him that he lost.Yoongi doesn't let her go,still staring.She gulps & uses all her might to look away from his addictive chocolaty brown eyes.Yoongi suddenly realises the awkward position a doctor & his patient weren't supposed to be in.He helps her stand up.

They both look away,flushing red,their hearts beating in sync.

AH:"Ah I'm sorry & t-thank you."

She says still looking the other way.

YG:"ahem! Its fine."

Yoongi sneaks a glance at the flustered her & unknowingly smiles to himself.Ahyun looks at the wall which goes towards the living room,someone stands there trying to hide themselves.She knew someone pushed her & she was sure it was the person hiding behind that wall.

AH:"Yah Namjoon-ah!"

She calls out loudly & annoyedly,catching Yoongi's attention.Namjoon makes a run for it & Ahyun starts running after him in attempt to catch the man.When she disappears Yoongi realises that it was Namjoon who pushed her & created this awkward but cute situation. He laughs by himself as he looks at the way where the two of them ran off.

Things have been a bit awkward for Yoongi & Ahyun after that but eventually they became normal with each other.Ahyun unknowingly became BTS's best friend.Its been 15 days she's living in this house. Sure she misses Mark,Heechul,Hospital, home,her friends but it was so much fun with the boys,they didn't let her realise the emptyness.Yoongi's been opening up to her more these days,she realises that she holds something weird towards the man.She thinks about it but can't seem to figure it out.

She unconsciously stares at his pale,petite figure as he works in his office,she smiles brighter when he compliments her cooking,she blushes when he looks too handsome,her heart goes wild when he smiles - revealing his adorable gums.She wants to explode in uwu when he sleeps so peacefully, she wants to die when he looks at her eyes.Its all too simple but its as special as diamond to her.

It's night,Around 11 or 12 o'clock.Everyone in the house are workers so they try to sleep early.The house is silent,every person sleeping peacefully in their own rooms under the warmth of their soft blankets.Suddenly Ahyun's phone rings,waking her up from her slumber.She groans & reaches out for her phone.She looks at the caller id as she squints her eyes because of the sudden light.The phone reads 'Channie oppa💗'. She suddenly panicks at the name,quickly receiving the call,she talks - her voice sounding deep & groggy.

CY(Chanyeol):"Hello Ahyun?!"

He sounds rushed & panicked,her heart starts to beat fast in panick too.

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