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[Author-nim p.o.v]
That night Ahyun & Yoongi just stayed at the hospital.Yoongi slept a bit in the couch of Ahyun's office & she looked into some of her files & studied.She was used to sleepless nights due to her work.

This morning,they ate breakfast at the cafeteria & now Ahyun walks towards the room where her sister is supposed to be,Yoongi follows behind her.They reach the room as Ahyun hears familiar voices from the room.She smiles bright & opens the door,walking in & happily greeting the people she knows by heart.

AH:"Good morning,everyone!"

Everyone in the room cheers at the sight of the former youngest of the family,the newborn being the new youngest now.Her mom quickly hugs her.Her dad hugs her afterwards as he kisses her forehead dearly.Chanyeol gives her a side hug as she holds Chaeyoung's hand who's on the bed.Yoongi stands there silently,taking in the beauty of Ahyun's million dollar smile. He swears her smile could make a flower bloom.

Just then her mom's gaze falls on the tall,petite figured man in a hand cast who stands on the doorway.Yoongi quickly bows to her politely.

Mrs.Park:"Ahyun-ah! Is that your boyfriend?!"

She asks her daughter cheerfully & just then Ahyun remembers that Yoongi was there.She quickly turns to her mom,her eyes wide.

AH:"No! Mom! He's my patient!The one I'm living with!"

She says in a hurry & Yoongi quietly smiles at her cute panic attack.

Mrs.Park:"Ah! I'm sorry,sweetie!He's so handsome,I thought he was your boyfriend, too bad.But its nice to meet you."

Ahyun face palms at the embarrassing things her mom was blurting out as her mom smiles at Yoongi.He smiles at her mom,bowing again.

YG:"Hello Mrs.Park,I'm Min Yoongi,CEO of the Bangtan company & your daughters patient.Its nice to meet you too"

Mrs.Park:"Omo! He's so nice!"

She smiles at the young boy.Ahyun's dad speaks up this time.

Mr.Park:"You're Bangtan company's CEO,as in the famous company of Korea?"

Yoongi smiles,nodding.

YG:"Yes sir! Thats the one!"

Her dad smiles,shaking hands with him.

Mr.Park:"You know the brand Rosalie?"

YG:"Of course,sir! Who wouldn't know that?"

Mr.Park:"I'm the owner & president of the company."

YG:"Ah! Its nice to meet you,sir!"

Mr.Park:"You can just call me uncle."


Ahyun was surprised at the fact that Yoongi was being so open & friendly with her parents who were hardly even strangers.She smiles while looking at him as two of the businessmen in the room suddenly start talking about business.

Just then,the door opens & a nurse walks in with the newborn held securedly in her arms.Everyone awes at the sight of the tiny angel looking at everyone with curious eyes.She hands the baby to her mom aka Chaeyoung.The new mom holds the baby carefully,her tears in the edge of her eyes as she stares at the little fairy in her arms who resembles her dad.Everyone takes turn in taking the baby,when she finally comes to her aunt,Ahyun suddenly breaks into tears.

RS(Rosé):"Hey hey! Why are you crying?!"

She panicks,Ahyun tries to wipe off her tears as they keep coming out.Yoongi holds himself back from hugging her tightly.

MAFIA'S DOCTOR [Min Yoongi X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now