Chapter 5: 1st day
Four's POV
I wake up, with Tris's head on my chest. I look at the alarm that says- 7:29. I got up, put on some clothes- a tight black shirt (the ones that drive Tris insane), some sweatpants, and my combats boots. When I head back in our room see Tris, still lying on the bed in the same exact position as she was when I left. I sit on the bed next to her like the first time she slept in my apartment after our first kiss. I shake her a little, she groans. I shake her more, she turns around, and groans.
- "We need to go... We asked the initiates not to be late so we can't be." I tell her
- "Let's go," she says getting up and getting the clothes she needs. She puts on a beautiful shirt that shows her curves, some black jeans, and her combat boots. She quickly takes her mascara out and applies some. She's beautiful, she truly is. She doesn't believe it but she is. She puts had hands around my neck and I put mine around her waist. We kiss.
- "Ok, now we really need to go," she said.
When we arrive we're missing Brittany and Chloe... They really didn't learn anything. After like ten minutes, they both finally come in. I walk towards them.
- "What's your excuse to be this late? Huh?" I say in my instructor's voice
- "You know it's fine," she says "we were doing our makeup... Had to get ready for a special someone" she flaps her eyelashes at me and I just look at her with an eyebrow up.
- "If it's nothing then you won't have any problem hanging from the chasm for ten minutes?" She looks afraid "Huh?" She doesn't say anything. I laugh inside. "That's what I thought," I tell her staying harsh. I get back in front of the initiates, next to Tris, who was her arms crossed.
- "Follow us," She says
We soon get to the training room.
- "This is the training room, this is where you will be training every day and if there's a change then we will probably tell you..." I pause "or not" I see Tobias letting out a chuckle.
- "Ok, Eric," He says and we both start laughing, kinda forgetting that the initiates were still there. When we're done the initiates are looking at us like if we were weirdos. Not denying that we aren't...
- "Who's Eric?" Asks a guy I think a guy named Rafael
- "The last person you want to meet!" I tell him
- "What did he do?" Samy speaks up
- "You don't wanna know," Tris tells him
- "Oh yes, we do!!" Brittany and Chloe at the same time.
- "ok then, when Tris was an initiate, he asked her to stand in front of a target and let her instructor throw knives at her, he cut her ear, that's why Tris has a scar on her ear," suddenly everyone turned to look at Tris's ear. "He got mad at Tris and asked the strongest at that time to fight with Tris because he knew that Tris couldn't win. Don't get me wrong now she could beat his ass in seconds. Did I mention that he hanged a girl, that we still know, over the chasm until she couldn't take it anymore? But he was the cruelest to Tris since her initiation he has tried to make her Factionless and kill her two times." I said at the end panting my voice raising more and more. Tris was calming down and me two all the initiates looked so scared. And as coincidencial, as this sounds, Eric came in.
- "Wow, stiffs, those initiates look even more scared than when you came..." He turns around and looks at them.- "Who are you?' On of the initiates asked
- "I'm Eric," he answered. All the initiates took a step back. I laughed, Tris smiled, and Eric raised an eyebrow.
- "So? Have you guys started?"
- "Hi Eric," Tris says, exaggerating his name "No we were explaining what we were about to do," I tell him
- "Am I freaking them out?" He says letting out a chuckle.
- "Being an asshole is not a crime, you're free to go," I said with no emotion. His smiles fade and he looks so mad. All the initiates are looking at him. He grabs Tris's neck and pinned her against the wall.
- "Eric!!" I yell at him trying to reach for him, the initiates look so scared. But I let go of him because I know Tris can beat him and if she does then the initiates will respect her much more, she doesn't need me to fight for her. She takes her arm and hit his elbow, again, again, and again. He let's go, she punches him hard in the nose, he started bleeding. She was about to start again in a fight but Eric stands up, looks at the initiates, punches Tris, hard, in the temple. Tris is now bleeding, a long deep cut on her face. Eric grins. He walks away. When he is quite gone Tris runs and kicks him in the head, he falls hard on the concrete. She calls a nurse and he goes to the infirmary.
Tris's POV
- "Do you need help too?" the nurse asks looking at my long cut on my forehead that was now bleeding a lot "you probably need stitches at that point" she looks worried. The initiates are still there, none of them said one word since Eric walked in. I look at them and Tobias comes up to me for the first time, he puts his hand around my waist.
- "You probably should..." he says worried, I shake my head
- "I'm fine" I kiss him he kisses back. Once again, forgetting that the initiates were still there.
- "Oh my god, you guys are cheating on you fiancees and girlfriend, how horrible!" Brittany says
- "I just got why you transferred from erudite," I say, smiling.
- "I'm so confused," says Rafael
- "Me too" comments Gloria
- "We told you that I had a girlfriend, she had a fiancée, we never said we weren't together," Tobias says like if the initiates were slow. Brittany nearly faint at that point, Chloe catches her. Bob mumbles something. I don't care what they think about him and I because I love him.
- "Let's get to work, we already lost a few hours, let's not waste more," He says. All the initiates take a gun and tried shooting (keyword: tried).
After a few hours, we dismiss them for lunch. Christina looks at me weird
- "Why all the death glares?" she asks Tobias and I.
- "The initiates just found out we were dating" Tobias responds before I do, I smile at him, he turns to look at me, we kiss.
- "Can you guys be anymore lovey-dovey?" Uriah says fake gaging.
- "Yea, get a room!!" Zeke joins, kissing Shauna afterward
- "Maybe we will," says Tobias with a grin. I blush into a red tomato, everyone laughs.
- "Not funny you guys," I tell them laughing, still red. We soon got up, went to get the initiates and headed back to the training room.
When training was over we headed home, exhausted, hand in hand. When we got there I put on Tobias shirt and climbed on the bed next to him. He, already quite asleep, turned around putting his arm around my waist. And I drifted into a peaceful sleep.
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A Divergent Fanfiction- No war
FanfictionThis is like most of the other fanfictions. Four and Tris go through marriage, initiation instructors, kids, and so much more. There's no war on abnegation, this is five years later. It s been three months since Tris and Tobias are engaged. I don't...