11- Telling the news

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Chapter 11- Telling the news

Tobias's POV

A lot has happened in the past months. Eighty-seven days exactly ago I married Tris and eighty-seven days since we found out that our family was already expending. She is now obviously showing. I mean because she's small, the bump isn't very very big for four months baby bump. But it's still very visible. I love touching it, it makes me think that in five months I'll be a father, I'll have a son or a daughter. Soon it'll be impossible to miss that Tris's pregnant so we decided to tell everyone today. 

Tris shifts in bed between my protective embrace. She smiled at me and sits up going towards our wardrobe to get dressed and I followed her after a second. 

Because her bump started to show Tris hasn't been putting on tight shirts in a while but today she put a really tight one for our friends to "figure it out" on their own. Honestly, if you couldn't tell that she was pregnant you must think she's blind since it really doesn't look like fat... it looks like a pregnancy bump. We were about to leave and I put my hand on her bump, she smiles.

- "You love doing that, don't you?" she asked putting her hands on the bump too. 

- "I do," I tell her, I lean in for a kiss. "You know what else I Iove?"

- "No..." she says smiling

- "You," I tell her, "I just love you so much"

I kissed her soft pink lips.

- "Let's go," she tells me. 

As we get out of our apartment, I realize more and more the fact that we can see Tris's bump as we get looks from various people. I protectively put my arm around her shoulders and she puts her head on my shoulder. 

When we get to the cafeteria, we get a couple of looks, and I smile proudly. 

Of course, if two of Dauntless's prodigies were to have a kid, it would be heard. 

We get to the "gang's table". Christina is now 6 months pregnant and her bump is way more visible than Tris's. 

- "Hey guys," Tris's says. 

We get some 'hey's, some 'good morning's, and Uriah says 'Greeting young lads'. 

Except for Chris who is just staring at Tris's bump, then I see her looking at Tris like 'Is this what I think it is?' kind of look. Tris nods. Christina stands up violently. 

- "Oh my god, that's awesome, I'm so happy for you, they can be friends, how long?" she asks/say. 

- "What are you guys talking about?" asked Uriah. 

Christina hit the back of his head.

- "She's pregnant you dummy," Chris says. 

- "Really?" Shauna asked smiling. I nodded. 

- "Hey mate, finally," Zeke says standing up and hitting Tobias's back. "We have been waiting for baby Fourtris for a while now."

- "Fourtris?" I ask smiling

- "yep, baby Christiwill is coming, but we were hoping for baby Fourtris to come soon too," Zeke adds. I laugh at the comment.

- "What about Sh... Shaeke? No, no... Zauna. That's better," Tris said sitting down between Zeke and Christina.

- "How-"

- "Sheke!" my wife yelled out in the middle of Chris trying to talk

- "Sheke?" asked 

- "Shauna and Zeke!" I said happily about the couples-name I had found.

Zeke laughed and kissed Shauna.

- "Four months, Chris, you were gonna ask how far, right?" I said

- "They can be best friends or a couple..." Christina says wiggling her eyebrows

- "Wo, wo, wo, not so quick," I said looking up immediately

- "Here goes overprotective number guy," Marlene says, they all laugh and I join in after a while.

- "Hey stiff, I heard the news," Peter, "Nice Four," he said 

Honestly good thing he does because if not I would have... you don't want to know. But I can tell you it wouldn't have been pretty.

- "Ignore him," Tris added. I smiled at her brightly, she did too.

- "Get a room!" Uriah said making a face.

- "Last time you said that we did and look at the result," I said, pointing at my wife's bump. We all laughed. 

I don't think I can wait for five months... 

I can't wait


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