Chapter 7- T or D?
Tris's POV
End of initiation finally! Happily, there were only two divergent in the group: Miya and Samy. Two years ago we had 5 of them... Oof, hard year that was. I stared at the board with the scores:
1) Samy
2) Miya
3) Fanny (Dauntless-born)
4) Tyler (Dauntless-born)
5) Bob... (James: sadly)
6) Valeria (Dauntless-born)
7) Timothy
8) Toladé (Dauntless-born)
9) Ulysse (Dauntless-born)
10) Laura (Dauntless-born)
11) Chloe
12) Brittany
13) Jessie (Dauntless-born)
14) Cara (Dauntless-born)
They are all coming for "truth or dare". But not the nice erudite one... the dauntless style one. They are probably gonna ask us so annoying questions.
It's now 5 PM. It's time for the game. Tobias is in the shower so I tell him to go quicker. After 10 minutes he comes out with just a towel around his waist. I blush and turn around. He smiles.
- "Come on!" I tell him, not turning around for him to see that I'm not blushing. He comes around and puts his two big hands around me.
- "You're so cute when you're blushing," he tells me grinning. Knowing that I'll blush even more than before, and him, knowing me so well. I blush.
- "Stop!"I tell him, red as a tomato, smiling "get dressed let's go, let's go". He does.
- "Did you wear covers? I don't want those 16, hormonal boys looking at you" He tells me
- "There's nothing to look at" I mumble to myself
- "Stop!" he says "you are the most beautiful person I know" I blush "here we go again," he says. I punch him in the shoulder.
When we arrive, we nock. Uriah opens the door and yells:
- "OMG, we have been waiting for you guys!! Come on sit down!" we sit down "Ok guys same rules as always... you pick Candor or Dauntless if you don't wanna do it or answer you take a piece of closing off, got it?" Uriah yells. There's Christina, Will, Uriah, Zeke, Shauna, Samy, Miya, Timothy, James, Brittany, Chloe, and all the Dauntless-born. They were all sitting in a circle. Tobias and I sat next to Miya, on my side and Jessies on his.
- "So my house... I start!" Uriah says "Six, my dearest six, Candor or Dauntless?"
- "Candor," I say one eyebrow up. He points to Tobias.
- "Four's real name?" he asked smilling. I slip my jacket off, not revealing Tobias's real name. Uriah looks sad.
- "Why didn't you say?" Bob asks. I was about to answer but Uriah does first
- "Nobody knows his real name, nobody except for Tris..." Uriah says
- "My turn. Miya? Candor or Dauntless?" I say
- "Dauntless..." she responds
- "Kiss the person you like," I say smiling. She stands up, walks over to Timothy. She kisses him quick, but Timothy put his hand behind her neck and kiss back. We all cheer at the new couple. She blushes, and sits on Timothy's lap, he blushes too.

A Divergent Fanfiction- No war
FanficThis is like most of the other fanfictions. Four and Tris go through marriage, initiation instructors, kids, and so much more. There's no war on abnegation, this is five years later. It s been three months since Tris and Tobias are engaged. I don't...