So this is 14 years later. To fill you in (yes, they have lots of kids, haters can go fuck themselves) they have 5 kids. Here you go:
1) Alexander Sky Eaton- 16 y.o.
Male, Tobias's eyes, Tris's hair.
2) Kendall Eaton- 14 years old (twin)
Female, Tris's hair, Tris's eyes
3) Hayden Eaton- 14 years old (twin)
Female, Tobias's hair, Tobias's eyes
4) Grey Eaton- 8 years old
Male, Tobias's hair, Tobias's eyes
5) Liam Eaton- 1-year-old
Male, Tobias's hair, Tobias's eyes
A house with 4 rooms, The parents, Alex, the twins, Grey, and the baby with Tris and Four.
Chapter 16: Year and years later
Alex's POV
In three days I take the test... that's just plain fucked-up, I'm not ready to choose, I just feel like I barely had the time to enjoy my childhood life.
- "Alex! We're eating!" dad called out.
My three siblings were at the table and Mom was holding Liam on her lap. Dad brought the food on the table.
- "Ruein and I are going out... if it's not a problem," I say.
My mom's head looked immediately at me.
- "Like on a date?" my mom asked with a smile.
- "Mom! She's my best friend! Why would you say that? That's just messed up," I say to my mom.
How can she think about Ruein and I like an item?
- "That what Christina said about Will during initiation and look where we're at," mom said
- "Wait, actually? Aunt Christina and Oncle Will were best friends during initiation?" Hayden asks
Hayden had always been the gossipy one. Kaiden was the tough one.
- "Yes they were, Chris, Will, Al and I were best friends,"
- "Who's Al?" I ask. Never heard of that guy.
My mom looked at my dad and my dad shook his head.
- "It doesn't matter..." she ended up answering.
My phone buzzes and I pick up.
- "Ruein, hey!" I said
- "Oh my god, so sorry, something showed up, tomorrow I promise! Love you! Sorry!" she simply said back and the sound of the dial tone was heard.
- "Add a plate, Ruein just canceled," I tell my dad.
- "Alright," Kendall said as she got another plate.
- "Do you need help?" I ask my dad after.
My parents exchange a glance.
My mom comes next to me and grabs my shoulders.

A Divergent Fanfiction- No war
أدب الهواةThis is like most of the other fanfictions. Four and Tris go through marriage, initiation instructors, kids, and so much more. There's no war on abnegation, this is five years later. It s been three months since Tris and Tobias are engaged. I don't...