Chapter 13- Baby boy
Tobias POV
I was cooking and then I hear a loud sound. I run to the living room and see her. She was on the floor, holding the floor and her back, water all around her.
I squat right next to her and hold her back for her not to exercise any other type of muscle use. She kept taking deep breaths.
- "Are you ok?" I asked her, then I see the puddle all around her "What is tha-" but I'm interrupted by her holding her stomach and screaming.
- "Ahhhh... Oh my god, I think they're contraction, I think it's happening, Arghhhhhhh, it hurts so much, arg, Tobias help me, it hurts so bad" she started crying "Arg, it hurts"
- "They're contractions, hurt every couple of minutes and the closer they are, the closer the baby is from coming," I tell her while stressing out like a crazy person inside
- "I know..." she says.
- "Don't push, just take deep breaths, look follow my heart, ok?" I tell her while putting her hand on my heart.
I inhale and exhale very slowly and she did it with me, while we do that I start my stopwatch on my phone, 15 minutes later she yells out again holding, no, breaking my hand, basically telling me that there is another contraction.
Four minutes? We need to go to the hospital.
- "I'm sorry, this is gonna hurt," I say while I put my phone in my back pocket.
I put my arm under both armpits. I use my muscles to push her up. She winces of pain. Tris is a real warrior, she doesn't give herself enough credit about her strength.
I grab the bag that was next to the front door because she is now nine months pregnant so we're "ready" for this. And I start walking slowly to not put her through too much more pain than she already is having.
When we get to the hospital, I call the midwife that we usually see. She gives us a wheelchair for Tris to sit in. Tris who doesn't let go of my shirt, yells out of pain, as tears streamed down her face.
Tris doesn't often cry.
The midwife takes the opportunity of the minutes of the interval between the contractions to move Tris to a room, and get her ready.
Soon enough, Tris was changed into a hospital nightgown, she had some monitors wrapped around her stomach and an IV in her wrist. They were now administrating the epidural who had been requested by Tris and recommended by our doctor at this stage of birth.
And after that, after what probably felt like a long time for Tris, she fell asleep.
- "Has the pain gone down?" I asked her as I caressed her messy hair.
We had been here for five hours already. Even though she wasn't feeling in pain, she wanted this baby to get out of her. She sighed and I saw her eyes getting teary.
- "Are you in pain? Is there anything wrong?" I ask once again trying to show no panic.
- "I just... I should be able to do this..." she cried out
- "What? No honey..." I said cupping her cheek as my seco9nd hand traveled to her swollen stomach.
- "I mean... I'm supposed to do this and I can't even," she said crying again.
- "Babe, no, you are so strong," I said
- "You're just s-saying that cause you know I'm r-right," she cried to me, blinking away the tears.
Removing her pants, putting the towels, calling the nurses... And Tris crying as her life mattered on it, not letting go a second of my hand, squashing it so hard there was no more blood in it.
But I didn't care because at that moment. I knew I wasn't the one who should be complaining.
Then when the nurse asked to push, Tris did, she was pushing as hard as she could...
- "... eight, nine, ten, let go," the nurse kept counting and repeating.
Tris didn't stop once. I help her by helping her raised her head so that it will be easier like that. She was sweating so much, but that didn't stop her, she just wanted this baby out, in her arms.
She was crying so much, tears streaming down her face.
I hated seeing her like, who would?
Actually Eric or Peter would probably enjoy this show... Well, they'd be wrong since this wasn't a weak show for tris, she was the strongest.
"-ten, let go," the nurse said. Tris rested her back again and let out deeply the breath she was holding in.
"Come one, babe," I said.
"Give me strength," she said as she grabbed my shirt and kissed my lips hungrily.
She pulled back right after.
"All right, let's get back to this," she said looking back at the nurse.
"Alright, let's go again," the nurse said. And Tris's face squinted as she pushed again. Again. And again. Until- nope, one last time...
The cry was an immediate relief to both Tris and I. Tris just slammed her back on the bed and closed her eyes. The two other nurses went to clean the small baby that was being carried away.
"For Christ's sake, never again," Tris said, then she looked at me.
"You know we will probably have more... right?" I asked her.
She smiled.
"I know, let's be content with this one for now though," she said and we leaned in to kiss.
"There you are, a healthy baby boy," our nurse said as she put down the baby on Tris's chest
"Oh my god, he's so beautiful..." Tris said as the baby squirmed around on her chest.
He was wrapped in a yellow little cover and a little blue hat on his little head. You could see the little black hair coming out of the front of the soft hat. The nurse told us his eyes were grey and Tris and I looked confused for a second since neither of us had grey eyes.
She went on to explain that many babies had grey eyes and later on develop their true color, the same for the hair.
But it didn't matter, he was here, healthy, Tris too.
What else could I ask for?
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A Divergent Fanfiction- No war
FanfictionThis is like most of the other fanfictions. Four and Tris go through marriage, initiation instructors, kids, and so much more. There's no war on abnegation, this is five years later. It s been three months since Tris and Tobias are engaged. I don't...