Chapter 4: Six and Four
Tris's POV:
- "So initiates this year we will be your trainers. My name's Six and this is Four, this year we will..." but I get interrupted, like every single fucking year...
- "Like the numbers?" This candor girl I think her name is Chloe
- "No like the letters!" I tell her ironically. I see Tobias doing a light smile, that only I can see. "So like I was saying before being brutally interrupted," I say glaring in Chloe's direction, "this year the initiation will be divided into three parts: the first one is mental, the second one is physical and the third one is emotional. After each stage, some of us will be leaving us" It looks like Brittany was about to ask a question but Tobias interrupts her by saying
- "And before you ask leaving us doesn't mean to your family but to factionless, they'll be happy to see you" After that, I hear a few gasp and fear in some eyes. Oh dear god, save me now.
- "So? Any other questions?" I say and Bob's hand is raised "Bob! Go, what is your question?"
- "Can we date our instruc-" he was about to ask but I interrupt him
- "No," I say harshly. Then Brittany's hand. "Brittany?" I asked
- "I see a ring on your finger but I don't see one on Four's does that mean he's taken? Because some people might be interested..." she winked at him a couple of times and I rolled my eyes.
- "I'm 100% taken by my beautiful fiancée and I'm also 100% not interested," Tobias says before I could answer. I blush and turn my head around for them not to see and suspect that he was talking about me.
- "Miya?" I ask not knowing what she was about to ask
- "So how much chance do we have to get in?" She looks so scared like a cotton ball but I'm sure that's just what she wants people to think that and show them that she has the strength inside... Or maybe she just doesn't know it yet. I would smile but I'm supposed to be the mean instructor soooo I keep my straight face
- "For the physical stage you will be ranked just you," they look confused, I continue "the transfers" they understand "but for the two other stages you will be ranked with the Dauntless-born. And in the end, only fifteen of you sill get in. No other question?" I end up saying. And I see Brittany raising her hand once again. "No? Okay then". Brittany glares at me and me and Tobias lead the way and I follow the initiates follow two but they seem pretty lost. We show them the Pit, the Chasm and where they'll be sleeping then we head home.
- "Was I this lost when I was an initiate?" I ask him smiling. He and I are in the couch cuddled together watching TV in our bed.
- "Yeah pretty much." He says smiling. We smile at each other for a while and then we kiss for a long time.
Still taking deep breaths and I can feel his too, I try to match his we both fall asleep, together, panting and most important of all... In love.
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A Divergent Fanfiction- No war
Fiksi PenggemarThis is like most of the other fanfictions. Four and Tris go through marriage, initiation instructors, kids, and so much more. There's no war on abnegation, this is five years later. It s been three months since Tris and Tobias are engaged. I don't...