Daniel seavey (sad/cute)

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Ever since last week Daniels been acting off. Getting mad at the littlest of things and taking it out on me. I hate it he's scarring me.

"Amali get down here now!" -Daniel yells as it echos through the entire house.

I slowly make my way down to him scared that if I don't he'll hurt me again...


"Get your ass down here now!" -Daniel scream once again

I've had it with him he's been so stressed because of tour and continues to take it out on me. I've had it.

"No! Don't tell me what to do your not the boss of me!" - I scream back.

I hear the stomping of his feet echo through the house getting closer to the room that I've been hiding in all day. I start to get up only to see the door fly open and see a furious Daniel standing their glaring at me like he's ready to attack me. I've never seen him this mad before. I really messed up.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!?" -Daniel yells at me as he steps closer cornering me, he places his arms on other side of my head onto the wall so i cant get away. I was trapped.

"I-I said y-your not the boss of me. I can do what i wa-" I begin as I felt a sharp sting to the side of my face as it flies to the opposite side. I look at him scared as he just rolls his eyes and walks back downstairs.

I slide down the wall and hold my face as I cry into my hands. He just hit me.

*end of flashback*

As i reached the end of the stairs I see his eyes glued to his computer and it looked like he as working. Why would he want me he always gets mad when i talk to him when he works.

"Over here" -Daniel says as his eyes are still glued to the screen

I slowly walked over to him and stood beside him. I was left standing there for a couple minutes until he pulled me into his lap and pulled me into his chest. I look up at him and open my mouth about to speak as he pulls me into a passionate kiss that felt foreign, its been so long since he's even pecked my lips.

"Baby girl I'm so sorry, I've been so rude and that act I pulled earlier was ridiculous of me, please forgive me I want to make it up to you please" -Daniel pleads sounding genuinely upset with himself

I couldn't find any words I want to solve this, seeing him like this hurts me so I just nod.

"Thank you, now go get changed into something nice I want to take you out somewhere to make it up to you" -Daniel quickly replies

I nod once again and get back up and run upstairs into our room. I swiftly change into this and do my makeup and fix up my hair.

I walk downstairs slowly and look at Daniel to see him in a tux

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I walk downstairs slowly and look at Daniel to see him in a tux. As i reach the bottom he takes my hand and intertwines our hands and walks me out to his car and opens the door for me.

He closes my door once i get in as he walks around to get into the drivers seat, sits down, begins to drive and intertwines our hands once more. I can tell he's going to make it up to me and I. just cant wait.

596 words

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