Daniel Seavey, Left Then Returned

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After Daniel left I was heart broken. I knew it would be too good to be true. I've had to handle our now 3 month old baby Grace by myself. Being a single mum isn't easy even with the help from my family and friends. They do the best they can but she really just needs her father, but there's no way in hell that is ever going to happen. I'm currently out at lunch with Tate and Grace just talking and laughing.

"How have you been y/n its been so long since we've caught up?" Tate asked

"Ive been alright I guess, how have you been?" I reply

"Sad, Y/n you know we need you back we will Daniels sorry for what he did he just wants to talk to you again" Tate says

I'm shocked after all this time her knowing what he did to me, she wants me to talk to him.

"Wow, what happened to you always being here for me." I say and get up

"Y/n you know I am and that's why I want the best for you." Tate reply's getting up as well

"You want the best for me huh? Then stay away from me and grace especially if you going to mention his name." I yell and walk off


No it cant be. It just cant. I turn around and there he is.

"Y/n please I'm sorry for what I did, I'm sorry I left but please let me be back in Graces life, she needs her father and you need me to" Daniel says

I stand their shocked not knowing what to do. Grace sees him and squeals. How does she recognise him. He walks closer to us causing me to step back not wanting him any closer afraid he will hurt us again.

"Give him a chance he's sorry" Tate pipes in

"How do I know you wont do the same thing again"

All the rest of the boys including their manager and Eben walk around the corner.

"Y/n he hasn't talked to anyone since you have been apart, he is only producing sad depressing songs about how sorry he is for leaving you alone like how he did. We know he wont do it again because he cant go through the pain he has already been though once" Eben and David say.

I sigh and nod. He quickly takes my hand and leads us out to his car not giving me another chance to change my mind. As soon as he held my hand bolts of electricity strikes through me. I pull my had quickly away from him shocked. I cant still feel the same way as I did when we first met, after all he's done, but I do. I really do love this man and Im so grateful that he has come back.

*7 months later*

It's Graces first birthday today and I couldn't of asked for anything to go bad, Daniel gave her a small promise ring and saying he'll never leave us again and he also proposed to me. I know the man moves fast but I can just tell ever since meeting that day he was going to be the one I will marry, we zinged and that only happens once in our life time. We're getting married in 5 months before he goes back on tour so we can spend every day together before that happens. He promises to call and FaceTime every minute of every day just so that he knows we are all safe and that we know he loves us. I'm glad he's back in our life and never leaves us again.

613 words

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