Car Crash Zach Herron (sad)

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I'm getting ready to have my first date with my boyfriend zach he'll be here soon so I'm rushing. As I finish getting ready I hear a knock on the door I grab my phone and purse and walk down and open the door and see him standing there looking better then ever. Wow how did I get so lucky

"You mean how did I get so lucky" -Zach chuckles

Crap I said that out loud, I giggle and walk out closing the door behind me. We both get in the car and he drives us to the restaurants. I grab the aux cord and play music both of us singing along and having a great time as we drive.

We stop at a red light laughing and being silly as the other lanes go. I look out my window still laughing and see a car speeding towards us.

"Zach!" -I scream but it was to late, it slams into the front of the car into both me and zach. I cry out in pain and look over at zach and see his head bleeding and him passed out I grab his hand and wince in pain then my vision goes black.

*time skip*

I can hear people talking but I cant open my eyes what's going on I keep trying till they finally open a little to see my family and Zach's standing at the end of the bed.

"W-What's going on" -I ask

They all look at me and all sigh in relief and lean on one another. I look at them all and cant see zach.

"W-where's Z-Zach?" -I ask

They all just look at me and open the curtain to show another bed beside me I look at it and see zach in the same state as me, but he's still passed out. I go to get up but they all yell at me.

"You cant stand up you need to lie down you aren't ok" -my mum tells me

"You broke your arm, leg, you have internal bruising and there's other things they wont tell us" -my sister says sitting next to me

I tear up knowing that I'm seriously hurt and knowing that zach could be hurt to.

I start to hear beeping coming from zach's bed I look over to see his heart monitor go flat. No no no. I look at the door to see it fly open and nurses run in closing the curtain blocking my view of him.

"W-What's going on?" -I ask freaking out.

All of a sudden the beeping stops but the curtain doesn't open up.

A few minutes later the nurses walk out and look at me sad. No it cant be no.

"I'm sorry" -they say

"No w-what do you mean y-your sorry, he's o-ok right" -I reply breaking down into tears.

All they do is shake their head.

"We will collect him in a hour you have until then to say anything you want to" -the nurse says and opens the curtain for me to be able to see him lying their looking lifeless.

That just makes me break down more. The love of my life, he's gone forever and there's nothing I can do about it. I cry and cry until everything goes black and I hear people rushing in again. I start to feel sharp pains all through my body and I cant move.

That's when I remember. I was in the same state as him, I'm joining him once again the love of my life, but I'm loosing my family in the process. I just lie there letting the pain and darkness in gulf me until I hear his voice.

"You need to stay, you need to be there for our families they need you" -zach

"No zach I need you I'm coming for you I love you" -I reply

"I love you to but you need to stay I will always be here and when you need me the most I will return I will always love you but please stay, for me" -zach says and then disappears into the black.

I have to trust him I know he will be back when I need him. I fight the pain and open my eyes and see my family in tears. All I need to know is that they are ok and so is zach.

740 words

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