Jack Avery Horror Movies

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"Babe come watch this movie with me!" Jack yells

I walk downstairs to see a horror movie displayed on the tv screen.

"Jack I would love to but you know I hate horror movies." I reply sad

"Baby come on you know everything on here is fake and can't hurt you." He replies.

"I know but I just really don't want to watch it." I pout

"Pleaseee I'll be right here beside you." Jack says doing his puppy eyes

I groan and walk over to him plopping myself next him on our couch. I can never resist those eyes their just to magnificent. He wraps his arms around me pulling me into his side. He presses play.

*1 hour later*

This movie sucks it so scary it's the absolute worst there's so many jump scares. I'm hiding my head in jacks chest as his eyes are glued to the screen being fully addicted to the current movie playing. I don't understand how he loves these movies. I start to feel something rub up against my arm and I begin to shake.


I scream and jump to see jack laughing hysterically.

"Jack wtf!" I yell

"Come on babe that was hilarious you should of seen your face." He begins laughing even more

I hit him and walk off upstairs.

"Ow- baby come on please." Jack pleads

I ignore his calls and slam the door closed for our bedroom

About 10 minutes later the bedroom door opens. I bury my head into my pillow ignoring the door.

"Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you and laugh." Jack says sad

I continue to ignore him.

"I got you your favourite chocolate and cuddles.." Jack says

I shoot up looking at him as he holds a box of my favourite chocolate. He chuckles and walks over to me. I grab the chocolate and pull him into bed. I wrap his arms around my small body and cuddle into his side as I eat my chocolate.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to make you upset." Jack pouts

I turn around and kiss his soft pink plump lips. I pull away and say

"It's ok I kinda forgive you now, if you get me more in the morning and cuddles all night then we'll be good"

He chuckles

"That sounds like a great plan baby"

I finish my chocolate and cuddle into him.

"Goodnight my princess." Was the last thing I heard before I fell into my deep slumber. This man can do whatever he wants to me and he'll still figure out a way to get me to come back to his side

442 words

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