Fire Jack Avery (sad/cute)

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Crack. That was the only warning we got that we were in danger. There's been a huge bushfire in the area but we are told it wont get to us. But they were wrong. I look out the window to see the glowing red flower flaring right outside. It was here.

"Jack" I scream at him

He sits up instantly looking around to see what wrong when his gaze meets the flames. He looked at me scared and started running around as I did to grabbing anything that was important to us. Water, food, photos, money and anything else we could carry. We rushed outside into the car as all of our neighbours were doing the same. Jack gets in
and zooms to the fire safety area the whole time holding my shaking hand.

"Don't worry y/n everything will be ok. They'll save our house nothing will get wrecked its ok" he says trying to stop me stressing but that wasn't working. Everything we owned was in there. All jack studio equipment he couldn't carry was left there. We are going to loose it all. And its my fault for making him move out to the country. We grabbed our stuff wrote our names down and walked to find an empty camping bed.

This wildfire is killing everything and is out of control it's already destroyed 20 houses and is now firing our way. We've been in such a serious drought for so long, there's no water anywhere. Jack holds my hand once we place all our belongings in our area.

"We are safe now baby ok we'll be ok" he kisses my head and pulls me into a hug.

I nod staying close to him scared of what could end up being a disaster. There's no reception out here so neither of us can get into contact with our worrying friends and family. Thank god our kids aren't here and we took them to my parents for the weekend. Jack hugs me and rubs my belly.

"Their doing everything they can and we'll be able to get home as soon as its safe, don't stress as long as we have each other we'll get through this. Don't worry about what's left at home I can get all new stuff We got what matters most to us so that ok." Jack says soothingly

I smile and nod turning around to give him a kiss. I'm so glad I didn't loose one of the most important things to me. My one and only Jack Avery.

*skip to after fire*

It's been 2 weeks now and we can finally go home to see our home hopefully still standing there. We get back in our smog covered car and drives through the now darkened streets towards our home. Every second spent driving down that street revealed more burnt structures giving us less hope that our only home will be left standing in all this mess.

We got to where our house as standing to see nothing left. I walked into the burnt mess looking at everything that we left. Our clothes, the kids clothes, their toys, pictures, awards everything we had ever gotten was burnt to a crisp and shrivelled up in the darkened pile. I looked at jack to see him looking at what was left of his studio. The remainder of his desk and his guitar burnt to pieces lying on the floor.  He was devastate.

How could one fire cause all this chaos and mess to a town.


Hey, sorry this is so short,  Yes this is based on a true event that is happening and on the bush fire that is coming towards my house, I'm very scared but we should be fine thank you to everyone who is making sure I'm ok for now  I love you ❣💓

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