Corbyn Besson Hybrid (cute)

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As I wait lying in my cage all I can think abut is that today's the day, todays the day I find my mate. I look around seeing the hundreds of other wolf, cat, dog and fox hybrids in this facility and wonder if any of them are going to be my mate, only time will tell I guess. I sink lower into my bed as the operators walk around my glass cage checking on me. Around here hybrids aren't very common and when the government find one they bring it to this facility and torture them just like they are to me and all the other hybrids here.

They feed us once every couple days and very minimum to make sure we don't get to strong that we are able to break through this glass hell hole. We aren't allowed any where near any one else in case we do find our mate, they are trying to find a way to slowly kill off our species and forcing us to not find or mate will put us in pain and slowly destroy us. I look and growl at them as they come closer to the big metal door that locks me in I pounce at the door like I always do.

you see I was going to be the alpha of my pack but they caught me I'm the strongest and biggest hybrid in here and no one ever dares to come into my cage except for one person, their names Jonah I think, they push a bar in between me and the door so I cant get to it as I growl. He opens the door, walks in and closes the door behind him and sits on the cold damp concrete floor. I watch and growl at the tall muscular man sitting on the other side of the barrier examines me.

What feels like hours was spent me being stuck in half of my cage as the other man sits across from me trying to talk and start a conversation. He sighs after trying the 20th time to get me to talk but there was no way I was going to talk. He moves the barrier and stands there and my cage is engulfed with a sweet berry smell.

I get up cautiously and walk towards the tall brown haired boy. He stays sitting on the floor as I walk around him. I lean in and sniff his neck and growl. No this can't be. He can't be my mate. He's so beautiful I could just- no I can't stop corbyn. I back up away from him as he stares at me.

"I'm your mate aren't I?" Jonah asks standing up and walking towards me.

I growl and back up as he corners me.

"Sit" he says.

I obey, all the scientist look in shock at why they just saw.

"Shift to your human form." He says strongly showing his dominance.

I whimper and roll onto my back showing him my belly and neck. I cant believe it. I'm not the alpha anymore he is and I'm stuck in a trance. He walks towards me and rubs my belly and kisses my neck. I shift and looks up at him scared.

"Hello little one" Jonah says lying a blanket over the top off my scrawny body.

"M-mate" I whisper to him.

He nods and picks me up holding me into his chest. I snuggle into him enjoying his warmth.

"What's your name cutie?" Jonah asks

"C-corbyn" I reply just above a whisper.

He nods and continues talking to me.

"And your saying that I'm your mate?" He asks

I nod and show him my neck.

"A-alpha mate" I say.

He kisses my neck claiming me and I snuggle into him more. He's going to be the death of me.

641 words

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