Baby Sitter Jonah Marais (cute)

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"Y/n get down here your baby sitter will be here soon" -mum

"Coming!" -you

Yea I may be 16 but my mum doesn't trust me and my brother together at home for more then 2 hours so she's been getting a baby sitter for us but none of them ever want to do it again so we are onto our 3rd now and I have no idea who it is. As I walk downstairs I see jake my brother playing basket ball outside like normal.

"Ok y/n you know the rules leave your brother alone and your baby sitter will be here soon ok bye love you" -mum

"Bye mum" -you

"Bye Jake!" -mum

"Bye!" -Jake

Once she left I started going back to watching my favourite tv series at the moment its called 'legacies' its great. I was half way through and I heard the door bell go off.

"Jake go get that!" -you

He did since he was walking past there any way so I continued watching my show. I hear him open the door and talk to someone then close the door again and walk over to me with someone behind him. I pause my show and look up and one of the hottest people I have ever seen is standing behind him.

"Y/N? Y/N? Are you ok?" -Jake

"Huh oh yea I'm fine" -you

"Ok well this is the baby sitter Jonah" -Jake

He smiles at me and I smile back blushing like crazy.

"Ok well we'll leave you alone and I'll show Jonah around." Jack says

I nod not being able to speak. He winks at me and follows Jake around the house as he says which every room is.

"Ok and this last room is Y/n's room." Jake says completing the tour of the house.

Jonah nods and looks around your room and smirks.

"Pretty big bed just for her." Jonah chuckles.

As he says that I walk up to them.

"Hey, jake Tom is waiting for you outside to play basketball mum said you could if the baby sitter says that's ok" -I manage to say as I stare at Jonah.

"He can go." -jonah says

Jake thanks him and runs outside.

He walks towards me and backs me up onto the wall.

"I've seen how you look at me beautiful. The way you look at me and go speechless is
adorable." – Jonah says as I blush.

He leans in and kisses me gently but passionately and I do the same back. After what felt like an eternity he pulled away and rested our foreheads together.

"Ever since I saw you sitting on that couch casually watching the movie I fell in love. You are so beautiful. Y/n will you please be my girlfriend, I know we only just met but I felt as if we haven't and I've known you my whole life. So please, make me the happiest man alive and be my girlfriend" -jonah asks

I smile heaps and nod pulling him into another passionate kiss. He was right. We had only just met but I know he is the one for me. He is the love of my life now and forever. Jonah Marias is the love of my life.

539 words.

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