Jonah Marais hybrid pet pt.2 (cute)

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"Kitty?" he asks again

I slowly come out of my hiding spot behind the stuffed toys hopping he didn't notice.

"Oh there you are." He picks me up petting me like nothing happened

Phew he didn't see me. I nuzzle my head into his hand and purr. He carries me down stairs towards what looks like the lounge room with a pen inside it. Oh hell no I'm  not going in there I'm not a baby. I hiss and thrash around hoping he won't place me inside another cage.

"Come on kitty I don't want to put you in here either but Jacky wants you in here while I eat and have some quiet time." He says

"Zachy Bub come here!" Jack yells out

So that's his name. Zach. I whine and roll around as he places me inside of his cage. I look up and keep making sad noises hoping he'll get me out of here. All he does it run back to jack I huff and flop onto the ground. I lie there for what feels like hours when jack comes back holding Zach in his arms as his wrapped around by a blanket and starting to fall asleep till he sees me lying on the floor.

"Is kitty dead?!" Zach screams

"No bub he's just having a nap like you should be to, it's his quiet time." Jack replies sitting on the couch

"But I want to play with kitty! You said I was a big kid now and that I could! I don't need nap time anymore!" Zach yells and tries to kick around.

Jack sighs and puts him on the couch picks me up and lies me next to Zach. He smiles happily and cuddles back into jacks lap and plays with my fur. I purr and lie on his stomach. I lie there and watch the movie that plays on the tv, it looks really boring but Zach is enjoying it. How? Not long after I didn't feel Zach's soft had against my fluffy fur. I look up to see him fast asleep in jacks arms. Jack gets up holding both me and Zach and begins walking upstairs into a room. Jack opened the door to reveal all baby stuff. He dropped me into the cage that was on the opposite side of the room and lied zach down in the crib kissing his head.

"Goodnight my sweet boy, have your nap" jack smiles picked me up and walked back into what was my room. He threw me to the floor as I let out a screech.

"A mutt like you doesn't deserved to be loved. I don't know how my sweet baby boy could ever think about even touching you." Jack spat in my face

I hiss and move back scared.

"You belong in the pound to die you mutt we won the war and you should all be gone." Jack yelled grabbing me by my scruff and pulling me up into the air.

I thrash around harsh hopping that he would let go of me but boy was I wrong that just forced him to grab a hold of my legs and pulls me in opposite directions so I couldn't move. The door quietly opens revealing a very tired looking zach.

"Jacky what are you doing to kitty..?"

556 words

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