First Holiday together Zach Herron (cute) pt.2

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Its like the Gods read my mind. This holiday has been going so slow and I'm so happy about it. Ever since we kissed he's become very protective and different. He's been very kind, making sure I'm ok, that I'm safe and all these other cute things. He's so adorable.

At the moment we are watching a movie on the couch and Im lying on his chest as he plays with my hair. This seems to have become a routine, we have a busy day out exploring then we come home and watch a movie till we go to bed. I look up at him wishing he would just ask me out but to shy to actually say anything.

He looks down at me and flashes his pearly white teeth within his smile. He's just so perfect. After the movie ends he stands up and grabs onto my hand.

"Come with me y/n I want to take you somewhere." Zach says pulling me up.

"Ooo where?" I question hoping he will tell me

He just chuckles and pulls me out to the car.

"You'll have to wait and see missy." He replies once we are both in the car and he's driving to this secret destination. I look out the window trying to see where we are and if we had been to this place before.

A while later he finally pulls over at what seems to be a lake. It was absolutely stunning. I got out and looked at the glistening water that reflected the suns rays, the soft sand that looked like it had never been touched, and a small blanket that was holding a very amazing picnic. He knows that's what I love.

He gets out and pulls me to the blanket and sits down with me.

"Let's eat I'm hungry after that car ride" I giggle

He chuckles, nods and pulls out the variety of food that was packed and stored in the basket. We began to talk, laugh, eat and have a great time. It was splendid. After we finished the food he got up taking his shirt off.

"Come on lets go for a swim." Zach says

"But I don't have my swimmers Zach." I replied sadly

He just looks and smirks at me.

"That's the point, we're gong skinny dipping" Zach replies knowing that's something we've talked about doing just never did.

I blush realising that means we will see each other. I get up stripping as he does as well. We both walk into the water and he dives in. I playfully roll my eyes as I slowly walk in.

As I swim to the deeper part of the lake I loose Zach.

"Zach?!" I yell scared

No reply

"Zach please! Where are you!" I start to get worried quickly.

I feel something brush past my leg and I scream, only to be quickly stopped as Zach comes up in front of me pulls me into his chest and kisses me passionately. I wrap my arms and legs around him and deepen the kiss not wanting it to stop. His soft plump lips moved in sync with mine, it was like they were made for each other and they didn't want to pull away.

Sparks flew around me as butterflies formed in my belly. This was heaven and I never wanted it to end but sadly it had to. He pulled away resting his forehead against mine as we both looked into each other's eyes. His brown chocolate eyes seemed to have brightened and somehow gotten more perfect.

"Y/n ever since I met you I knew I wouldn't be able to loose you. I would be lost without you. How close we are from always being at each other's and sleeping over to always being their for one another when we needed it the most in hard times" Zach began 

I began to tear up remembering all the times we spent together.

"I knew that I couldn't handle if you weren't around and going on this holiday has made it clearer. I love you y/n I do, every part from your head to your toes is perfect and I'm glad to call you my friend but I want to call you more then that. Y/n Y/l/n will you make this one of the best holidays ever and make me the luckiest man alive and be my girlfriend" Zach asks

I cant believe this. Out of all the girls that line up to be with him he chooses to be with me. I finally get to be with the one I've loved for so long. I pull him into another kiss as he smiles and pulls back a little.

"I'll take that as a yes" Zach chuckles

I giggle and slap his chest softly as he pulls me into another one of his loving, passionate, meaningful kisses that I hope I'll be getter more of. Zach Herron is finally mine and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world.

843 words

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