Zach Herron Marking (Cute)

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Todays the day. It's finally my 16th birthday and this is when I'm suppose to get my mark to tell me who's my soul mate forever. You see I'm a werewolf and everyone gets one. I'm the youngest in my school so everyone else has there's. I sit up and look on my arm to see if its there. As I do that my younger sister comes running in.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N" Lucy screams

"Thanks" I reply

"Is it there yet, have you got your mark?" Lucy asks

I shook my head and she nods.

"Ok well mums made brekkie for you before you go to school come on" she adds

She drags me out of bed and downstairs and we all sit around the table and eat and talk about when my mark is suppose to come. None of us knew.

It's the middle of the day and my mark still hasn't arrived I'm beginning to worry that there's something wrong with me. I walk into maths class when the air is filled with a scent of vanilla. It's my mate. I look around sniffing trying to locate who it is coming from when my eyes meat someone's that couldn't be true. Zach Herron. The bad boy for the school he teases me everyday. Our eyes lock before I tear mine away and quickly walk out of the classroom. No it can't be my parents will hate me. I run to my locker and look at my arm. The mark. It's there. I stand there staring at it before I begin smelling vanilla again. Oh no he's coming. I sniff the air and turn as I see him come around the corner with his girlfriend. Oh no.

He storms u to me and grabs my hair.

"What do you think your doing! He's mine and will never love you!" She screams as she throws my small body into the lockers. I hear a growl coming from behind us but I cant see who it is before I'm being punched and beaten to the ground. What feels like eternity was finally over when she was pulled off of me and thrown to the side as I felt someone pick me up.

"I've got you I won't let anything ever happen to you again." Zach says

His voice calms me down as I hide my face in his neck for comfort. He rubs my back soothingly as I hear him take a big sniff of my scent until everything goes black.

I awake a couple hours later in my bed surrounded by my family but still in the arms of my lover. I cuddle closer into his warm body wanting to never be separated from this bond. I look unto meet my family's eyes as they nod and walk out closing the door behind them. I move my head to look at Zach as he looks at me. I don't say anything before I'm pulled into a loving kiss that makes butterflies swarm in my stomach. I never realised this bond is as strong as this. I would drop everything to make sure my mate was okay and the bond hasn't even been completed. I purr as he nuzzles his head into my neck as with both transform into our wolf forms and create our mind link.

"I will do anything and everything for you to know that you my love will always be surrounded in love and be safe. I will never leave your side." Zach says through our mind link making me feel warm inside.

I brush my pure white fur against his midnight black and lie down revealing my stomach to him. Something I have never done to anyone to show that I have submitted. He leans down an softly licks my mark as it causes me to go insane from the feeling and let out a moan. The rest of the night was spent completing the mating process and telling each other how much we need the other as we cuddled in bed staying as close to each other as we could. I hated the feeling of needing a mate before this but know it makes me feel like I'm now whole and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my Zach Herron and I wouldn't have it any other way

*726 words*

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