Zach Herron Friends or more? (cute)

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Here we are, lying in bed laughing our heads off, your typical guy and girl best friend relationship is what you would find between me and Zach. We've been friends since preschool and well nothing can rip us apart, our friendship has stayed strong through thick and thin and we cant stand being apart.. well mainly me. See I've had a crush on Jim for the longest time, nearly a year now. We're 17 now and lets say he's an angel, Zach Herron has had the best glow up anyone could have which has just made me and many other girls want him more then a friend. But that will never happen, see we are best friends I don't want to ruin it he's all I've got. He's always been here for me and I don't want to maybe destroy that. Ugh I've got to kill this little crush.

*Zach's P.O.V.*

I look to my side to see the most beautiful girl Y/N I love every aspect of her from her jaw dropping looks to her angelic voice, I'm so in love with my best friend. We've been friends for what feels like we were born and I don't want to ruin anything but I want to take this relationship further. I think its time.

*Y/N P.O.V*

The movies just ended and mum called us down for dinner but Zach fell asleep a couple minutes. I need to wake him up but he never likes waking up. I sit up and shake him.

"Zach time to wake up" I whisper

He groans and rolls over facing the other way. Gosh this boy

"Zachhhhh" I shake him harder

"Whattt" Zach comments waking up

"Mum made us dinner come on" I say

I get up and drag him out of the bed and into the kitchen.

"Sorry mum someone fell asleep and wouldn't wake up" I say

She looks at Zach and laughs.

*after they eat and go back into her room (Zach's P.O.v.)*

"Zach I'm gonna go to bed I'm tired" Y/N says

I know its time. It's time to take this relationship further.

"Y/N can I tell you something first" I say sitting up nervous playing wth the friendship ring she gave me for my birthday

"Sure, are you ok you do that when your nervous or scare, what's happened Zach?" She asks concerned taking my hands in hers and rubbing the back of them with her thumb. This is a technique she found out calmed me. She's just so perfect. I take a deep breath and look her in her eyes.

"Y/n ever since we preschool I knew I couldn't risk loosing you and I'm glad I haven't, you have changed my life and I thank you for that. you've given me some of the best, funniest, craziest and amazing memories anyone could ask for. But I want something to change, can we you know... be more then friends..?" I say getting nervous again.

I watch as she tears up listening to what I said engulfing me into one of her amazing hugs.

"Zach Herron, I've liked you for the longest time, knowing that you've chosen me out of everyone, me to hang out with and know me to ask out is one of the best feelings ever. Of course Zach of course I will be your girlfriend." She reply's.

I'm instantly filled with happiness.

"Ive been waiting so long to hear those words come out of your mouth, an to do this" I reply

I pull her into my arms and kiss her passionately. All this wait has been worth it, this is the best feeling n the world and I finally have the girl of my dreams. She's mine and I'm never letting her go.

628 words

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