Corbyn besson overprotective (cute)

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Tonight I'm at my friends party. It's so much fun well other then the part were I have my boyfriend being protective and not letting me out of his sight. He's so over protective it's annoying he doesn't want me talking to anyone new, no drinking, no smoking ugh. I've managed to somehow get out of corbyn sight and go and talk to some new people. Their so chill.

"So beautiful who are you here with?" One of the guys slurred

"My boyfriend corbyn, he's inside" I reply

They nod and start slowing walking so they are all surrounding me.

"Well I think we should ditch this boring party and. Have a party of our own." Another guy says as they grab my wrists.

I quickly push him away.

"Umm no thanks I should head back inside he's probably worried about me" I quickly say.

They roughly grip onto my wrists.

"Your not going anywhe-" one begins until he falls to the floor beside me and I stand there shaking.

I look up from the boy lying still on the hard concrete floor for my vision to be engulfed by a furious raging corbyn standing where that men once did.

"Where the hell did you go?!" He yells at me walking to me.

"I-I came out to make fri-" I started but was interrupted by him not wanting to know anything I was about to say.

"You could have got seriously hurt if I wasn't here! What were you thinking?! Are you ok?!" He yells quickly taking my hand and pulling me to his car after he thoroughly examined me to make sure I was ok but once he saw the couple of purple bruises on my wrist from where they grabbed me he started to panic even more.

"You are hurt!" He yelled


"Who did this to you?!" He continued still not paying attention to anything I want to say

I groan and just get into the car crossing my arms. H is so protective it's annoying sometimes.

He gets in trying to look at my bruises only for me to turn away and huff. Corbyn sighs and drives home.

*at home*

I haven't talked to corbyn since in the car. He needs to learn I'll be ok. I read something on my phone when there's a knock on my door. I look up to se sit revealing my handsome over protective boyfriend standing there looking at me.

"Baby I'm sorry for how I was earlier." Corbyn states

"Hm what for." I reply knowing this is probably one of the rarest moments ever: him saying sorry for being protective.

"I'm sorry for being so protective over you there I just saw that you got hurt and I got worried that something bad at happened" he sighs

"Hmm ok"

"Ok?" He asks confused and scared

"Come here you big baby and give me a kiss to make up for it." I smile happily

He chuckles and playfully rolls those angelic eyes and jumps into bed with me and kisses me lovely and deeply.

I really am in love with this man right here and no matter what he does I will always want him back. Lets just say the rest of the night was great we cuddled kissed and then got tired very easily of you know what I mean.

"Good night my beautiful baby girl" corbyn says pulling me into his bare chest

"Good night my handsome boy" I snuggle into his chest not long after falling asleep as my dreams are filled with what just happened.

599 words

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