Cheater Corbyn Besson (sad/kinda dirty)

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It's been a long day at work and I can't wait to get home to my lovely boyfriend corbyn. We've been dating for 2 years now and I've heard rumours that he's going to propose to me this month and I can't wait. He's the love of my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

I park my car and walk inside to see another car in the driveway. I look at it confused as I've never seen that car before. I shrug it off thinking maybe corbyn brought a new car. I walk inside seeing petals scattered across the floor, I follow the path as it leads to mine and his bedroom. I smile at his cuties  but it quickly fades when I start hearing moaning and other noises coming from inside.

I slowly open the door to see my boyfriend fucking another girl senseless as she lies there cuffed and getting more pleasure then he's ever given me. I watch as he obliviously fucks her hard not knowing I'm there. I look and try to see the girl and no. No it can't be. Kay..? I watch as she moans out his name loudly me knowing everyone around will hear what kind of scum bag corbyn really is.

I watch as she cums hard making him join her soon after. I watch disgusted as he breathes out in relief.

"I've been needing that for so long" -corbyn says out of breath

We just fucked the other day..

She smiles and leans up to kiss me but stops when she sees me.

"U-um corbyn.." -Kay says

"What beautiful you ok?" -corbyn asks her kissing her neck.

She pulls him away and turns him around so he's facing me. The one he's suppose to be dating.. the one he's left in tears after the sight she's just seen.

"B-Baby its not what it looks like" -corbyn says trying to defend himself

"Oh really cause it looks likes you just fucked my best friend like there was no tomorrow!" – I yelled as tears flowed down my face.

"I-" Corbyn starts

"Don't even try it!" I yell.

I walk around the room crying and grabbing all my things as both corbyn and Kay try and stop me. I continue to ignore them as I walk downstairs grabbing the remainder of my things.

"Don't ever talk to me again! Either of you! I thought you would know better! My boyfriend fucking MY best friend! Not caring to look if I was there! Not caring that YOUR girlfriend! YOUR best friend!" I couldn't take it anymore I loose it and break down.

"Baby please" -corbyn

He tries to pull me into a hug but I push him right away.

"Don't touch me! I hate you! Don't ever talk to me again!" – I cry and run out the house with my bags. I hear them calling out to me but I ignored them.

I couldn't take it. Seeing my best friend and the one I love doing what they did. Not caring that if I find out it would destroy me. Who knows if they have done something before this. How could they do that to me. I ran and ran until I couldn't anymore. I looked around and realised where I was. The place I first met Kay, it was amazing we bonded strait away, and its also the place corbyn asked me out 2 years ago.

All the memories flooded back and wouldn't stop. All the good and bad. I Couldn't take it. I walk towards the edge of the cliff and look down it. I hear yelling and screaming from behind. I look back to see Kay running towards me.

"Y/n stop! Please! I don't want to loose you!" -she screamed and cried out

All I did was shake my head and step backwards, saying my last words to her.

"You already did"

I went plunging towards the ground closing my eyes as I smashed against the ground. I was gone.

680 words

(In no way shape or form am I hating on Kay it is just for the point of this oneshot. I love and support her so sorry if this annoys anyone)

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