Zach Herron Demon child

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My everyday life was much different to everyone else's at my school. Hi my names Zachary Herron and I'm the son of the devil. Yes most people know that I am and are terrified of me, so it makes it very hard to get close to anyone which makes it harder to kill them but that hasn't stopped me from trying yet. There's this new girl in class today and there's something about her that just seems different. As I look to my side I see her glowing beside me. I'm going to have her as my next meal for sure. I wait for lunch to begin and everyone to leave the halls as they see me coming to make my move. I lean against the locker beside her as she searches through her own to find something.

"Hey I'm Zach." I say

"Courtney" She replies still staying in her locker avoiding any eye contact.

Courtney? Where have I heard that name before? Oh well I can't remember must not be important.

"Well Courtney I noticed its your first day here at this trash, I have the perfect spot to sneak away. Wanna come?" I ask with my compelling eyes plastered on her.

She finally closes her locker and looks at me in my red eyes with an armful of books.

"No thanks I'm okay" She says calmly

I watch as she walks away like nothing. I will get her and figure out how she wasn't compelled by me. No one has ever done that before.

*1 week later*

I've sent this last watching her every move. Figuring out how she refused my offer. But I've found  nothing. Dad has said only one person has ever been able to ignore his compulsion and that was the angel. He told me not to worry tho because she is way to old to go anywhere near our school.

*Courtneys P.O.V*

This week has been a struggle and I'm afraid the devils son might be catching on to why he cant control me like everyone else. Ive seen him watching me everyday trying to figure it out. But he will soon put two and two together by talking to his dad. They don't know I exist but now because of my mothers work and what I need to do they will. I've watched as they rip there victims apart with no mercy, I don't understand how they do that and are then able to sleep at night with a smile on their faces. I need to act now it might blow my cover but if I don't it will only take a week for the whole school to be closed because there are now no students.

*Zach's P.O.V*

A great way to start of the day I've lured this 17 year old girl called Rebecca back for my next meal. Her blood smells  great already and I cant wait to actually taste it. I've finally quietened her down and am about to start my meal when I hear her heart beat ringing through my ears.

"Courtney" I smirk and spin around to see her standing there horrified

"Zach stop this you know you don't have to do this" she says nervously

I can hear her as her heart quickens as I step closer to her pushing her against the opposite wall using my arms to block off anyway of her escaping me this time. I place my head into the crook of her neck and take a big whiff of her unusual but amazing scent.

"Oh really and who's going to stop me?" I ask with an evil laugh

"I am because you cant hurt me" she says confidently which confuses me

"Oh really well lets test that out then shall we" I smirk and stick my fangs into the side of her neck and begin my drinking game.

Her screams echoed through the hall as I drunk until I began feeling a burning sensation deep in my throat casing me to pull away and cough up what I just drank. I look at her in disbelief there's only one person that we cant eat. But she cant be. How. But she is. The angels daughter.


I am so sorry that its been so long since I've posted a chapter I've been really busy with studying for my exams I will try and get better in the next couple of weeks. Thank you for all of your support. If you ever need any help just message me. And if you have any ideas for imagines you would like me to do tell me xx

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