Daniel Seavey Trapped

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Another day spent scrubbing the floors until they were spotless I'm in charge of my dormitory and it needs to be perfect for the headmaster Mr Flow. Hi my names Daniel Seavey and I'm a slave here in Main hall. It's the year 2205 and science has developed a lot since my parents that I hate were born you see there's now a drug that's been made that legals can take to live forever. But in return for this they aren't allowed to have kids. My parents broke that law and their the reason why I'm stuck in here, I'm getting trained up to be a valuable slave so when I turn 18 I get to go to a nice house and serve a legal. As I and the rest of the boys in my dormitory scrub and clean our areas Mr. Flow comes in and opens the door.

"This should have already been cleaned earlier! No breakfast for any of you!" He yells at all of us.

"But sir it's my birthday tomorrow it's going to be my last breakfast here ." I say trying to reason wit him.

All he did was stand and glare at me before slamming the door shut on our faces before he walked away. We all groan and continue cleaning our room not wanting to get into anymore trouble.

*next day*

I wake up and start packing my bag, todays the day I get kicked out of Main Hall and I have to find someone to serve. That's my only chance of survival now. I open the door to reveal Mr. Flow standing there with guards to guide me out. I hold my bag and follow them towards the exit. This is going to be the one and only time ill ever get to see the outside world, here at Main Hall we are told that we are not lucky enough or special enough to be allowed in the outside world with nature because we are a disgrace and shouldn't be here. As I admire the view from the door I'm thrown out.

"And don't come back cause you wont be welcomed here anymore slave!" Mr Flow yells and closes the door to what was my only hope of shelter.

I get u and walk around the streets knocking on doors asking to help then getting laughed at and told to leave. At this point I was scared cold and had near to no hope left. I knocked on the door to the last house in this old rickety street for it to open and reveal a tall muscular man who didn't look to much older then me.

"H-hi I was just wanting if ask if I am able to be your slave and help with cleaning around your house, I'm a valuable slave.." I say showing them my paper.

They look through it, nod and step to the side allowing me to enter. I walk in and look up at the tall high rise of a building. I hope I'm lucky here it looks beautiful and so does the man that opened the door.

"This is my house Slave and I'm corbyn what's your name?" Corbyn asks

"I'm Daniel..." I say quietly looking at the floor

He nods and gives me a list.

"This is what needs to be done, don't do it all at once because I don't want you getting to tired take it in small proportions and have breaks to get food and water from the kitchen down the hall, if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask I'll be in my office." Corbyn adds pointing to the room I'm assuming is his office. I nod and start to clean the house.

*1 month later*

Corbyn has been really nice if he ever goes to the shops he lets me come with hi:as long as I stay by his side. I get fed really well here and he's so kind. He's been giving me less and less jobs everyday because I've been doing so good. He's been very proud of me and I'm also allowed in the backyard and we play this thing called cricket it's lots of fun. I hope he doesn't get rid of me cause I love being here and serving Corbyn.

718 words

Sorry this is bad I rushed it. Send through some ideas on what I should make the next shot idea on

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