~Chapter One~

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Midoriya sighed, leaning back in his chair. His laptop sat on his desk, a notebook and some pencils scattered around on the space beside it. The notebook displayed a few notes, replicas of the screen before him.

Deciding he'd done more than enough today, Midoriya got to his feet and began to pack everything up. Once everything had been cleaned up, Midoriya checked the time on his watch. 1:34 pm. It was a Saturday so none of the students had to attend school, meaning he was able to catch up on some of his notes.

However, he'd been working all day so far, and hadn't even taken a break to eat. With a growling stomach, Midoriya made his way down to the first floor.

As the elevator doors opened, he was instantly greeted by chaos. Most of the students were down here, some lounging around on the couches or raiding the kitchen.

Loud, angry shouting came from the sitting area, the source of the noise being none other than Bakugou. He was standing on the coffee table, the source of his anger seemingly being Kaminari, who watched with nervous eyes.

Along with the eccentric pair, Iida stood off to the side, reprimanding them with his odd arm motions. Mina, Kirishima, Sero, and Uraraka stood in the crowd, cheering them on.

As per usual, Midoriya had no idea what Kaminari had done to piss off the explosive blond, but he didn't want to interfere. Shrugging it off, the green-haired boy made his way to the kitchen.

A few of the other students sat at the counter, not paying any attention to the scene unfolding behind them. The students consisted of Yaoyorozu, Jirou, and Todoroki. 

Jirou and Yaoyorozu sat off to the side, immersed in their own conversation. Todoroki, on the other hand, ate his soba by himself, staring blankly ahead.

Midoriya walked past them to the cupboards, grabbing a few snacks. He wasn't in the mood to make anything too fancy, so he just decided on a granola bar. 

Food in hand, Midoriya walked over to the counter and sat in the remaining chair. He rotated the chair so he could see the fight, deciding this would be a safe distance. 

The scene wasn't that different from the last time he'd looked, but it seemed like Bakugou was getting more hyped up. It seemed that Kaminari had taken a picture or something, as Bakugou was aiming for the phone in his hand.

A ring of kids surrounded them, essentially enabling Kaminari from escaping. With no other options, the yellow-haired boy resorted to dodging the blonds blows. 

An explosion rang out, causing most of the kids to scream out. Given the momentary surprise, Kaminari managed to push through the crowd, securing his own freedom. 

As the smoke cleared, Bakugou looked around for the missing boy, spotting his running off to the elevator. As expected, he gave chase. 

Midoriya watched from his spot at the counter as the elevator doors closed, leaving Bakugou behind. Wasting no time, the blond-headed toward the stairs instead. 

Moments later, more explosions could be heard from a few floors above them, along with Bakugou's angry shouting and Kaminari's terrified screaming. 

"I don't see why he didn't just give him the phone." Midoriya turned to see Todoroki, still staring blankly ahead. Midoriya chuckled, turning to face the same direction.

"Yeah, but this is Kaminari we're talking about," he joked, taking another bite of his granola bar. Minutes flew by, and the room slowly returned to a calmer state.

With the occasional explosion sounding from above, the students began to branch off, most likely all heading toward their rooms. Shoving the last bite of his granola bar into his mouth, Midoriya followed suit.

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