-Chapter Nineteen-

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(( This is just a rlly short filler chapter while I get over writer's block. Sorry it's not that good, I wrote this over the span of like a week and I don't really remember what's in it.))


Todoroki looked to his right to see a Midoriya, shivering from the cold. Todoroki mentally facepalmed, realizing he'd accidentally given him his colder side.

Gently as he could, Todoroki lifted Midoriya and brought him to his left side, switching their positions. Midoriya instantly snuggled closer to Todoroki, enjoying the new warmth. He had a small smile on his face that could only be described as pure.

Todoroki looked over at the alarm clock, reading the time. 5:38 am. Any minute now the first of his classmates would be waking up, preparing for the day.

Lucky for him, Aizawa had ordered him to stay behind to monitor Midoriya. Tsuyu had also been asked to keep an eye on Uraraka. Todoroki returned his attention to the sleeping boy beside him.

Midoriya was clinging to Todoroki's arm as though his life depended on it, with his head resting in the crook of his neck. Todoroki rested his head on the others, basking in the peace.

He wished that every day could be like this, but alas, life was not fair. He knew that this moment, this feeling, would pass as he was thrust back into the miserable path of life.

A small grunt to his left brought Todoroki out of his thoughts, reminding him to cherish it. Just because it was bound to come to an end didn't mean he couldn't enjoy it. Sometimes you have to look on the bright side.

Todoroki reached over Midoriya to where his phone sat on the nightstand. For now, he'd just wait for him to wake up.



By the time Midoriya woke up, the rest of the class had left for school, leaving the dorms practically deserted. The small green-haired boy sat up in bed, looking even worse than yesterday.

His eye bags had deepened, along with his skin somehow getting even paler. Todoroki felt his heart twist in pity. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the other boy. 

Thanks to his quirk, Todoroki had never really gotten sick, apart from the common flu, but that always passed within a day. Judging by Midoriya's condition, however, he could assume it wasn't fun. 

"Good morning, sleepy-head," Todoroki chuckled, sitting up alongside him. Midoriya grunted in response before crawling out of bed and stumbling to the floor.

By now he'd gotten used to the floor. It was as though they couldn't keep away from each other for more than an hour. Todoroki sighed and followed him, already missing the comfortable bed. 

"Alright, let's go. You hungry?" Midoriya grunted once more, making no effort to get up. Todoroki rolled his eyes and picked him up again, dropping him back on the bed. He decided it'd just be best to bring food back up to him.

Even if Midoriya wasn't hungry, he was going to make sure he ate. Even if he had to hand-feed him. 

When he reached his destination, he saw Tsuyu standing in front of the stove, watching over a large pot. She turned and waved at him, a sympathetic smile on her face.

Todoroki waved back, entering the kitchen. The savory smell of chicken noodle soup hit his nose, making his stomach growl. 

"I made some for all of us," Tsuyu commented. Todoroki thanked her and grabbed the kettle, filling it with water. If Tsuyu was cooking the soup then he'd at least make some tea.

The two continued to work in peaceful silence, broken only by the water bubbling. It didn't take long before the two were parting ways, both carrying trays with soup and tea. 

When Todoroki returned to Midoriya's room he found the shorter boy dozing off again. He sighed and tapped him on the nose, causing him to mutter angrily. His bad mood didn't seem to last long, as he smiled the moment he locked eyes on the food.

Todoroki set the tray on the nightstand before passing Midoriya a bowl. He then sat down next to the other boy and took a bowl for himself. 

"We should probably work on homework in a bit. And you need to catch up on what you missed yesterday," Todoroki suggested, his voice firm. It was more of an order than a recommendation.

Midoriya glared at him, flipping him off before returning his attention to his soup. Todoroki finished off the last spoonful of his soup and set the dish aside.

Midoriya took a little bit longer, but Todoroki didn't mind. In fact, he enjoyed waiting. It gave him more time to watch his beloved. Oh, how he wished he could have him for himself.

Once Midoriya had finished his meal, the two headed downstairs to put away their dishes. As they entered the common room Todoroki glanced out the window. 

It was storming once more, making the dorms feel more warm and homely. Now all they needed was a blanket fort and some snacks. That gave Todoroki an idea.

Now he just needed someone to watch Midoriya. Hoping Asui would be up for the task, Todoroki dragged Midoriya to the girls' dorms.

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