~Chapter Five~

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Within fifteen minutes the group arrived at the cafe, a large cat-shaped sign hanging over the door. Through the windows, you could see tables and chairs like any other cafe, but the thing that stood out was the cats.

Large cat trees were scattered throughout the building, each holding at least one cat whilst the others roamed about. The people inside were either sitting at their tables, merely enjoying the relaxing environment, or they were going about playing with the cats as they wandered around.

Uraraka swung the door open, the smell of freshly-ground coffee beans and pastries instantly engulfing them. It seemed almost as though the delicious scents were luring them in, trapping them in its sweet embrace.

"Whoa! This is amazing!" Uraraka cried out. The other students let out similar exclamations as they walked further into the cafe. 

Shortly after, they were all ordering coffees, hot chocolates, teas, and pastries at the counter, their mouths watering in anticipation. It all seemed too good to be true.

The group headed toward one of the empty tables, setting down their stuff. Todoroki had gotten a simple black coffee, completed by the golden pastry sitting on the side plate.

Uraraka and Tsuyu both got hot chocolates, Iida got an iced tea, and Midoriya got an iced coffee. The others had advised him not to get caffeine, seeing as he was already rather energetic, but alas, no one could stop him.

Occasionally a cat would trot up to their table, purring. They'd generally rub up against Todoroki's left side, thanks to the heat. Well, that was one good thing about the quirk he once hated.

It was all thanks to Midoriya that he'd come to accept it as a part of himself, and for that, he'd always be grateful. The aspiring hero had saved him, despite it meaning he'd lose the sports festival.

Since then, Todoroki had promised he'd never abandon the shorter boy. No matter what the circumstances were, he'd stick by his side and endure whatever hardships the other boy faced with him.

That was the new promise he'd made himself, and he'd stick to it even if it killed him. 

Another cat nudged Todoroki's leg, pulling him out of his thoughts. The rest of the group seemed to be done their food and drinks, as they were getting up to go play with the cats. 

Todoroki quickly downed the rest of his coffee as to not get left behind. The cat meowed in disappointment as its source of warmth walked away. 

Near the center of the cafe, a large group of cat trees sat, almost as if it was the main gathering place for the felines. At the sight of the cats lounging around, Uraraka and Midoriya rushed forward. Todoroki couldn't help but chuckle at the green-haired boy's excitement.

Tsuyu, Iida, and Todoroki all proceeded at a slower pace, all finding a cat to play with. The one Todoroki was currently petting was a white tabby mackerel. 

It was one of the older ones, so it wasn't as energetic, but Todoroki didn't mind. If he was being honest, he preferred cuddling over playing. The cat wasted no time in seeking his warmth, its content purring rumbling from its throat.

Todoroki couldn't help but smile. 

As time wore on, more cats came over to him, swarming his left side. Eventually, there were too many cats that he couldn't even move if he wanted to. 

"Hey Todoroki, say cheese!" Midoriya's voice suddenly cut through the loud wave of purring felines. Todoroki looked up to see the freckled boy holding his phone out, undoubtedly taking a picture.

Unsure of how to react, Todoroki just stood there, allowing Midoriya to take the picture. Honestly, if it had been anyone else taking that picture, he'd've surely put up a fight, but he just couldn't bring himself to get angry at the green-haired boy.

It was only because he saved him during the festival. It was merely respect for the boy. That's all it was.

Todoroki looked down at the sea of cats below him, trying to find a way out without stepping on any of them. Midoriya seemed to pick up on this as he held out his hand.

Todoroki chuckled and accepted his help, stepping carefully through the crowd. The cats simply followed him, much to Midoriya's amusement.

"Now we're both stuck!" The green-haired boy giggled, grinning up at Todoroki. Todoroki laughed as well, this time a genuine laugh, not just a chuckle or a sharp intake of breath.

Midoriya watched him in surprise, earning a confused look from Todoroki.


Midoriya giggled and responded, scratching the back of his head. "Nothing! Just never heard you laugh like that before."

Todoroki thought about it for a moment. When was the last time he laughed like that? He couldn't actually recall...

"You should laugh more often, your voice is pretty," Midoriya commented. Todoroki felt his face heat up at that and noticed that they were still holding hands. 

 Midoriya turned to navigate his way through the cats, careful to not step on any. Shortly later, they met up with the rest of the group. They all had a good chuckle at Todoroki's situation, and after saying goodbye to the cats, they made their way back to the dorms.

The sky was a beautiful array of reds and oranges as the sun set, dipping behind the horizon to prepare for tomorrow. Todoroki looked up at the sky, a small smile on his face as he admired the colors.

By the time they got back to the dorms, it was 8:30, and the living room was nearly empty. Most people had retreated to their own rooms to do their own things.

They all made their way to the elevators, saying goodbye to Uraraka and Tsuyu as they went to their own side. Iida got off on his floor, leaving Midoriya and Todoroki. 

Since the accident, Midoriya had moved to the fifth floor. He was currently in Sero's old room, and from what he saw, he'd made the place his own. 

They departed at their doors, saying goodnight before disappearing for the night. 

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