-Chapter Twelve-

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<<Time Skip to Friday cos I'm lazy and don't have inspiration>>

Midoriya stood in front of the mirror, anxiously fiddling with his shirt. He wore a simple black button-up T-shirt and black cargo shorts. Of course, he also wore his red sneakers as he wouldn't be himself without them.

Friday had finally arrived, meaning Uraraka, Tsuyu, Iida, Todoroki, and himself would be heading to the theatre shortly to watch The Death Cure.

Though Midoriya was excited, he was also nervous to be going to the movies with Todoroki. If not for the others, it would be like a date.

Just the thought made his heart flutter and brought a rosy blush to his cheeks. He couldn't deny that it'd be nice to go on a date with Todoroki, but the likelihood of it ever happening crushed his hopes.

A sharp series of knocks on the door brought Midoriya back to the present. Had he wasted too much time? Were the others already ready? Had he held them up? A million questions raced through his mind as he made his way toward the door.

Outside, Todoroki stood with his hands in his pockets, staring off toward the ground. Surprisingly, no one else was with him. Midoriya's heart pounded in his chest, only picking up its pace with each passing second.

The other boy wore an oversized pastel pink hoodie and black skinny jeans. Though he'd seen Todoroki without a school uniform many times, the sight never ceased to take his breath away.

Seconds felt like minutes with the two boys just basking in the presence of each other. Finally, Todoroki met his gaze and spoke.

"Wanna head down together?" He asked with a hopeful smile. Midoriya grinned back at him, pushing all his nervousness out of mind.

Tonight, he'd just enjoy it. He'd enjoy the movie and being around Todoroki. It didn't matter that they were nothing more than friends, no matter how much Midoriya wished else wise.

Midoriya nodded in response to Todoroki's question, his cheeks dusted a light pink. Todoroki seemed... relieved? He looked more at ease as if he hadn't expected Midoriya to say yes.

Of course, Midoriya was off in his own little world, trying to find something to talk about. Anything to fill the silence that lay between the two.

Before they even realized, they'd arrived on the first floor where Uraraka and the others waited patiently by the door. Well, Tsuyu and Iida were patiently waiting. Uraraka was excitedly bouncing around, seemingly unable to sit in one place for long.

"Hey, sorry about the wait," Todoroki apologized, to which Midoriya nodded in agreement.

"It's fine, now let's go!" Midoriya chuckled at Uraraka's enthusiasm, his own excitement rising. As usual, Uraraka led the group, with Tsuyu walking beside her and Iida chasing after them. 

The only difference from usual was that Midoriya had chosen to stay near the back with Todoroki. Well, it wasn't just this time. He'd begun to find comfort in being around the taller male and always took the opportunity to walk with him.

As they made their way to the train station, Midoriya talked with Todoroki, asking if he was excited and stuff like that. Though Todoroki never cared much for movies growing up, Midoriya had changed that.

Now he wished to watch all the movies in the world with the energetic green-haired boy, starting with this one. His smile made everything worth it.

The train took a few minutes to arrive, giving everyone the chance to talk among themselves before getting thrust into the busy streets of Japan. Of course, they could always talk on the train as well, but there's rarely any room to sit let alone hang out.

Uraraka and Midoriya were basically the only ones talking the entire time, occasionally interrupted by one of the others with a recommendation or a comment.

Finally, the train pulled into the station, letting a large group of people out. As expected, the train was packed with people trying to get home from work, meaning the group would have to split up.

Midoriya nervously looked around for an empty seat or even a railing to hold onto but to no avail. He couldn't see over anyone, even whilst standing on his tip-toes.

Just then, a hand wrapped around his wrist, gently guiding him through the crowd. Midoriya looked up to see Todoroki, his eyes set on a spot near the back of the train. 

By this point, the train had started moving, making it even harder to navigate. Midoriya looked around for something to hold onto, but unfortunately, there wasn't anything within reach.

The taller male wrapped his arm around Midoriya's waist, hugging him close to his body while still keeping a steady hand on the rail. Midoriya felt his cheeks heat up once again and cursed himself under his breath.

How on earth was he supposed to survive the night?

((Hi yes it is I, back with more chapters! Unfortunately, I may be ending this book soon despite what I said about dragging it out more. I've been losing interest in bnha which happens a lot, and its one of my biggest struggles. I can't hold onto a show for too long or I lose interest. 

I have restarted it and I plan on rereading the manga as well so I can pull through, but it's hard. I also have two more story ideas and I want to start writing them but if I'm struggling with this one then idk how I can write more.

Also, school started for me, and I'm trying not to fall behind again like last year, so I've been doing homework all night. Literally, I do it from about 4pm when I get home to 11pm when my parents force me to go to sleep.

I promise I'll finish this story, but I can't guarantee the writing will be great. Idk, if my hearts not in it 100% it gets weird. Also, I already have a hard time writing romance despite the fact its the only thing I write because I can't really fall in love.

Well I can but I have issues where I lash out and get sick and basically need a few weeks to rewind. Aaaand I may be struggling with that right now because I finally found someone I like and just found out he confessed to my friend.

Sorry for such the long AN, I've been trying to stay away from them in this book but I'm kinda talkative ;-; 

Anyways, before I go imma just promote my other book because wHy NoT?? If you want you can check it out, it's a depressed Deku au called Forever And Always, not my best work but still something to read if you've got nothing else. 


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