-Chapter Eighteen-

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Midoriya let his head drop back to the floor, staring glumly ahead of him. Aizawa had just finished lecturing them with Iida standing right at his shoulder, nodding in approval. 

The rest of the students had disappeared off to their rooms, as instructed so they could repair the damages. 

"Come on, up you go." A pair of strong arms lifted Midoriya to his feet. The familiar smell of Todoroki's cologne filled his nose, making him relax. 

 The taller boy led him over to the elevator, careful not to move too fast as to avoid tripping. Shortly later, they were both in Midoriya's All Might-filled dorm room, silence laying heavily between them.

Todoroki ordered Midoriya to get into his bed, which he gladly obliged. Chasing after Uraraka had taken what little energy he had, and he was definitely feeling it now.

Todoroki said something but Midoriya didn't hear. He left the room, closing the door quietly behind him, so he could only assume it was a goodbye. 

Midoriya sighed, looking out at the glass door, barely visible from his bed's position. The clouds were gray and fluffy, foretelling of rain and possibly hail. Midoriya couldn't help but feel happy.

 Ever since he was a kid, he always loved storms. He used to watch them with his mom whenever she wasn't at work. Bakugou liked them too. They'd always make forts and watch the lightning, just talking happily.

He missed those times, back when Bakugou didn't hate his guts. As he thought this, his mind flashed back to his recent chat with the blond-haired male. Did he hate him? Or was he just bad at showing his feelings?

Whatever the case, those memories were among his most treasured. 

The door opened again, casting the light from the hall into the dark room. Midoriya looked over to see Todoroki with some food and drinks. He carefully set the tray of food on the corner of the bed before leaving the room once more.

Midoriya waited, and as expected, Todoroki returned. This time he held his laptop, pillows, and blanket. Midoriya understood and moved closer to the wall, leaving some space for Todoroki to lay down next to him.

He was grateful for the fact that he was already sick and could use that as an excuse for his bright red face. 

It only took about ten minutes for the pair to get comfortable, eating snacks and sipping their pops while watching their movie. They'd chosen It, as it seemed like the perfect movie for the weather outside. 

They were occasionally interrupted by the thunder booming loudly outside, never ceasing to make Midoriya jump and scooch closer to Todoroki. 

Overall, it was a great movie. By the time it was over, the sky outside was completely black, apart from the moon and stars. It was still storming, sending flashes of light into the dark room. 

Todoroki sighed and closed his laptop. He began to grab his pillows and blankets but was interrupted by cold fingers wrapping around his wrist. 

He looked down to see Midoriya staring up at him with pleading eyes. 

"Stay." His voice was husky and hardly audible, but it got the message across. He seemed to rethink his word choice, for he added a small "please," after.

Todoroki knew that they'd get in trouble if Aizawa caught them, but he couldn't just ignore the adorable look on Midoriya's face. He slowly nodded and returned to the bed, instantly pulled into a tight hug by Midoriya.

Though he wasn't acting as chaotic as before, he was still very sick. Tomorrow he'd stay behind with him no matter what Aizawa said. He could always say it was to avoid an incident like earlier. 

 It didn't take long before Midoriya's breathing slowed to a steady pace, his head resting on Todoroki's chest. His heart swooned. Oh, how his heart seemed to beat ten times faster whenever the green-haired boy entered the room.

He was like a beacon of light, captivating and beautiful. His smile glowed so radiantly as though it was challenging the sun itself. His emerald green eyes, twinkling with excitement. His freckles lining his cheeks, almost like constellations.

He was happy that he'd fallen for Midoriya. Even if he never returned those feelings, he'd still be happy for all the happy memories. 

That brought Todoroki to a new topic. He needed to confess, preferably sooner than later, but he didn't know if he'd ever build up the confidence. 

For now, he'd just have to wait.

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