~Chapter Seven~

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"I had another breakdown today. They've been getting more common again. Todays was even worse than the last one. I don't know what's causing them. I haven't been doing anything different lately. I just wish they'd stop. I don't know what's wrong with me. "

Midoriya stared down at the message on his laptop. He'd just finished translating it and was slightly surprised with the result. He had no idea Todoroki was feeling this way.

This whole time he was carrying this weight, and nobody had any idea. Of course, he seemed quiet and reserved, and at times, depressed. It made sense, given his dark past.

He was good at hiding them, meaning he must've been dealing with them for a long time. It scared Midoriya.

Now, with more determination than before, Midoriya began to work on learning morse code. Since he only needed to remember twenty-six letters and some punctuation, it was easier than you'd expect.

If he stayed focused, he'd probably be able to communicate by tonight. With that in mind, he worked harder than before, practicing as though his life depended on it.

Continuing his routine from yesterday, Midoriya started to repeat the process. Hours flew by with Midoriya hunched over at his desk. Laughter could be heard from the floor below, most likely from the "Bakusquad", since they were all on the same floor.

Finally, around 10:30, he felt as though he had it down pretty good. He knew most of the basics, like the alphabet and a bit of punctuation. Nervous, Midoriya got ready for bed.

Minutes flew by without any sound coming from the wall. Midoriya glanced at the clock, feeling slightly concerned. He checked the clock once more. 11:03 pm. 

Midoriya raised his hand to the wall and paused, multiple results flashing through his mind. Would Todoroki be mad? Would he avoid him? Growing increasingly worried, Midoriya made the bold decision.

  He brought his hand to the wall and started to tap out a string of words.



.- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / --- -.- .- -.-- ..--.. 

(Are you okay?)

Todoroki looked toward the noise, his eyes widened in surprise. He slowly got up from his desk and walked toward his bed, where on the other side of that wall, someone knew.

If he had any idea that Midoriya knew morse code, he'd've stopped long ago. He was lucky he'd only moved in two days ago, and he hadn't heard the worst of it. 

Todoroki knew that on the other side of that wall, a certain green-haired boy was waiting expectantly for an answer. With that in mind, Todoroki made his way to his bed and leaned against the wall in his usual position.

He slowly knocked against the wall, letting the familiar actions take course.

-- .. -.. --- .-. .. -.-- .- ..--..


Silence filled the room immediately after, lasting a few moments. Todoroki began to wonder if the other boy had moved on, or if it was all a figment of his imagination when the knocks came again.

-.-- . .- .... --..-- / .. - .----. ... / -- . .-.-.- / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / --- -.- .- -.-- ..--..

(Yeah, it's me. Are you okay?)

 Todoroki pondered over the question for a while, unsure of how to go about answering. On one hand, he could answer with the truth, tell Midoriya everything, but on the other, he could hold it in, the same way he'd been doing his whole life.

He let his heart pick the next words. 

.. / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.- -. --- .-- / .- -. -.-- -- --- .-. . .-.-.-

(I don't know anymore.)

 Todoroki waited with bated breath for a response. He felt vulnerable, having just exposed himself. 

-.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .- -. -. .- / - .- .-.. -.- ..--..

(Do you wanna talk?)

 Todoroki felt a small smile spread across his lips at the other boy's question. 

... ..- .-. . --..-- / .. .----. -.. / .-.. .. -.- . / - .... .- - .-.-.-

(Sure, I'd like that.)

The two boys talked for hours, communicating through knocking. By the time they stopped to sleep, it was 1:45 am. Both boys went to bed with a smile on their face.

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