~Chapter Eight~

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Todoroki sighed, leaning forward in his seat. Occasionally he'd steal a glance at the clock, which seemed to be going extra slow today. As he waited for class to end, he mulled over the events of the previous night.


... --- / .-- .... .- - .----. ... / --- -. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -- .. -. -.. ..--..

(So what's on your mind?)

 Todoroki raised his fist to respond, hesitating at last moment. He had no idea what he was even going to say. In these times, he didn't even know the source of the problem.

- --- / -... . / .... --- -. . ... - --..-- / .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.- -. --- .-- .-.-.- / .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- / ..-. --- .-. / --. . - - .. -. --. / -.-- --- ..- / .-. --- .--. . -.. / .. -. - --- / - .... .. ... --..-- / .. / .--- ..- ... - / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.- -. --- .-- / .-- .... .- - / - .... . / .--. .-. --- -... .-.. . -- / .. ... .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. .- -. / --. --- / - --- / ... .-.. . . .--. / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .- -. - .-.-.- 

(To be honest, I don't know. I'm sorry for getting you roped into this, I just don't know what the problem is. You can go to sleep if you want.)

Todoroki let out a quiet sigh, his eyes beginning to water. God how he wished he wasn't like this. And he couldn't even blame anyone else for it because it was all his own brain causing this.

.. / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. -. .----. - / . ...- . -. / --. --- / - --- / ... .-.. . . .--. / .. ..-. / .. / .-- .- -. - . -.. .-.-.- / -. --- - / .-- .... .. .-.. . / -- -.-- / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. / .. ... / .... ..- .-. - .. -. --. .-.-.- 

(I couldn't even go to sleep if I wanted to. Not knowing my friend is hurting.)

 A small smile made itself present on the bi-colored boy's face. He never really imagined anyone would refer to him as a friend. Sure, he'd grown used to being in Midoriya's friend group, but he never truly considered himself a part of it.

.-.. .. ... - . -. .-.-.- / .. / -- .- -.-- / -. --- - / -.- -. --- .-- / . -..- .- -.-. - .-.. -.-- / .... --- .-- / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / ..-. . . .-.. .. -. --. --..-- / -... ..- - / .. .----. .-.. .-.. / - .-. -.-- / -- -.-- / -... . ... - / - --- / .... . .-.. .--. / -.-- --- ..- / - .... .-. --- ..- --. .... / .. - .-.-.- / . ...- . -. / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.- -. --- .-- / .-- .... .- - .----. ... / .-- .-. --- -. --. .-.-.- / ... --- / .-.. . - .----. ... / .--- ..- ... - / - .-. -.-- / - --- / ..-. .. --. ..- .-. . / .. - / --- ..- - .-.-.-

(Listen. I may not know exactly how you're feeling, but I'll try my best to help you through it. Even if you don't know what's wrong. So let's just try to figure it out.)

 A tear made its way down Todoroki's cheek. He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt like crying. He wanted to let everything out, all the things he'd been holding back for years.

- .... .- -. -.- / -.-- --- ..- / -- .. -.. --- .-. .. -.-- .- .-.-.- / .. - / -- . .- -. ... / .- / .-.. --- - / - --- / -- . .-.-.-

(Thank you Midoriya. It means a lot to me.)

And just like that, he let out everything that came to mind. Whether it be his dad being an ass a few months ago or even how the coffee machine broke on him. 

 Midoriya stayed awake with him the whole time, offering suggestions and support with every passing minute. He really was a hero, even if he didn't know it yet.

The conversation led on to other topics, like who had a crush on who. (They agreed that Bakugou and Kirishima were definitely dating. Yaoyorozu and Jirou also had the hots for each other.)

 After that, they started to talk about their futures, and where they hoped to be.

.. / .-- .- -. - / - --- / -... . -.-. --- -- . / - .... . / -. . .-- / ... -.-- -... --- .-.. / --- ..-. / .... --- .--. . .-.-.- / ... --- -- . --- -. . / - .... .- - / -.-. .- -. / ... -- .. .-.. . / .. -. / - .... . / ..-. .- -.-. . / --- ..-. / -.. .- -. --. . .-. / .- -. -.. / ... .- -.-- / .-..-. .. - .----. ... / --- -.- .- -.-- --..-- / -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . / .. / .- -- / .... . .-. . -.-.-- .-..-. .-.-.- / .. / .-- .- -. - / - --- / -... . / ... --- -- . --- -. . / - .... .- - / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . / -.-. .- -. / .-.. --- --- -.- / ..- .--. / - --- .-.-.- / .. / .-- .- -. - / - --- / -- .- -.- . / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . / ... -- .. .-.. . .-.-.-

 (I want to become the new symbol of hope. Someone that can smile in the face of danger and say "it's okay, because I am here!". I want to be someone that people can look up to. I want to make people smile.)

.-- . .-.. .-.. --..-- / -.-- --- ..- .----. ...- . / -- .- -. . / -- . / ... -- .. .-.. . --..-- / ... --- / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. .- -. .----. - / -... . / - --- --- / ..-. .- .-. / ..-. .-. --- -- / -.-- --- ..- .-. / --. --- .- .-.. .-.-.-

(Well, you've made me smile, so you can't be too far from your goal.)

 Todoroki chuckled as he knocked, already feeling better. Man, maybe Midoriya should become a therapist instead...


 The bell rang, cutting through Todoroki's thoughts. The tall boy got to his feet and gathered his things for lunch. All around him, his classmates were getting ready as well. 

Most of them rushed out right away, making the halls complete chaos. Dreading the fight ahead, Todoroki made his way to the cafeteria.

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