-Chapter Fourteen-

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Todoroki stared up at the large screen, fighting a battle in his head. Every now and then he'd steal a glance at the freckled boy beside him, engulfed in the movie.

He had been contemplating holding his hand for the last half an hour and had gotten nowhere near an answer. All he could think about was what would happen if Midoriya rejected him. He didn't think he could handle that pain.

Finally, he made up his mind. Todoroki took a deep breath and reached over to Midoriya, his slender fingers curling around the other boy's.

He held his breath for a moment, feeling Midoriya stiffen up. But he didn't pull away. In fact, he tightened his grip, his shoulders slumping as he relaxed.

 The two boys continued to watch the movie, eyes glued to the screen and hands intertwined. After a little while, Midoriya shifted so that he was leaning on Todoroki, legs curled up by his chest, head on Todoroki's shoulder, and snuggling the cat.

Todoroki wrapped his arm around the green-haired boy's waist, moving closer to the edge of his seat. It took a few moments of readjusting, but finally, they were comfortable, fitting together like puzzle pieces.

If there was one thing Todoroki could change, it'd be the damn armrest. Like seriously, why didn't they make it foldable? Way to ruin the mood.


By this time, the sun had set, filling the sky with thousands of beautiful stars. As the group left the theatre, Todoroki couldn't help but gaze up at them in awe. He rarely ever took the time to appreciate the small things in life since he was always so busy.

"So, whaddya guys wanna do now?" Uraraka piped up from the other side of the group. Of course, Iida was the first to respond.

"Well, we should go back and get a good nights sle-"

"Ease up, Iida! It's waaay too early for that!"

Todoroki couldn't help but laugh. He was lucky he could call the wonderful people around his friends. He admired every single one of them and thanked them all for sticking around with him.

He admired Uraraka's optimism. Even when things got tough, she always stayed strong, spreading her cheer to those around her. It was always nice for the change from his usual strict life at home.

Iida, with his leadership skills. He honestly had no idea where he'd be if Iida wasn't around to keep them all in check. His level-headedness had saved the group from doing dumb stuff that'd get them in trouble.

Tsuyu with her peaceful nature. She was always there to keep them together, remaining impartial in arguments and always helping them to see past their petty disagreements.

And lastly, Midoriya. He owed it all to him. It was him who saved him at the sports festival, breaking his bones just to snap him out of his stupid rebellion. 

Midoriya was the only reason he was here with the group. If not for him, Yaoyorozu would be his only friend, and she could get a little annoying when she constantly talked about Jirou. 

Todoroki could go on for hours about Midoriya but now wasn't the time.

"Why don't we just wander around for now? It's nice and cool out, and there are not that many people around," Tsuyu suggested, placing her finger on her chin. 

Todoroki looked down toward Midoriya to see what his opinion was. The shorter boy had a large grin on his face, nodding to the question. Well then, his answer was decided.

"Seems like a good idea to me," he shrugged, followed by murmurs of agreement from the other teens. With that decided, they walked off into the night.

It didn't take long before they found themselves atop a small bridge overlooking a pond. With the moon in the distance and the trees surrounding them, it was rather beautiful.

"Last one in's a rotten egg!" Uraraka shouted, already peeling off her clothes before jumping over the railing. The others watched in dumbfounded shock before shrugging and following her lead.

As suspected, Iida was the last one in, simply because he lectured them about being irresponsible. 

The others let out squeals as they hit the water, shocked by the cold. It didn't really bother Todoroki, though, as he could regulate his temperature.

 It didn't take long before everyone had gathered around him, basking in his warmth. They were like moths...

Todoroki was only focused on one person in particular. Midoriya. The green-haired boy had his arms wrapped around Todoroki's waist, too cold to process what he was doing.

Todoroki wasn't gonna object, though.

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