~Chapter Nine~

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Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Tsuyu, and Todoroki all sat around their usual table, their food trays in front of them. They were talking about the latest movies that had come out.

 Well, Todoroki was more so watching them talk. Watching a certain freckled boy in particular. He noticed that way he smiled when he talked about something he was interested in, the way his eyes lit up, the way he held himself with confidence.

 A lot had changed since the start of the year. Todoroki remembered when Midoriya had been a nervous wreck, but now, he had a purpose, and he knew it. 

Todoroki sighed, resting his head on his hand. He wasn't really paying attention to the conversation until he heard his name. He looked up in surprise.

 "Hm, what?" He asked, his cheeks now growing a pale pink hue. Midoriya giggled and repeated his previous question. 

 "Do you wanna come to the movies with us tonight? We're gonna go watch the new Maze Runner?"

 "What's the Maze Runner?" Todoroki asked before taking a bite of his soba. The question earned incredulous looks from everyone at the table.

 "You've never heard of the Maze Runner?" Midoriya and Uraraka cried out at the same time, shock written on their faces. Judging by their reactions, it was a great movie, but Todoroki never had the time to watch movies.

 "That's it! Tonight, my room, bring snacks. We're watching the first two movies." Uraraka declared, her voice taking on a demanding tone. Iida was the first to respond.

 "Uraraka, it's a school night! You can't expect us to stay up late watching movies!" Uraraka frowned but shrugged. 

"Fine, we'll watch the first one tonight and the second one tomorrow!" No one else objected, so it was decided. Todoroki had no idea what he'd gotten himself into.



Todoroki stared into his mirror, feeling slightly nervous. He'd never really been invited to anything growing up, so he wasn't quite sure what to expect. 

He wore his pajamas, as Uraraka had demanded after class. They consisted of a dark grey tank top and black sweatpants.

 When he got back to his dorm, he'd searched up the trailer for The Maze Runner, and it seemed quite interesting. There was no denying his anticipation for the night ahead.

Todoroki looked around his room awkwardly, wondering if he should head down now or wait a while. Just then, a knock came from his door. He made his way over, curiosity crawling at his insides.

He pulled open the door and felt his cheeks heat up immediately. Standing out in the hall was Midoriya, beaming with joy as always. He wore a large white t-shirt and black basketball shorts.

"Heya Todoroki! I just thought we should head over together if that's fine with you!" Midoriya said with a wide smile. An appreciative smile spread across Todoroki's face as he nodded.

"I'd like that," he responded as he slipped on his slippers. Most of the students wore the UA slippers provided by the school when hanging out in the dorms. And they were comfortable.

And just like that, the two were off, with Midoriya excitedly talking about the movie. He was trying to describe it to Todoroki but he kept getting distracted and trailing off into different topics. 

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