-Chapter Seventeen-

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Midoriya groaned and slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and realized he was in his own bed, despite the fact that he remembered getting up and showered. 

Perhaps he passed out. Midoriya sat up, wincing as his head resumed its previous aching state. His stomach let out a low growl, making him realize just how hungry he was.

The green-haired boy got to his feet and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders before wobbling out to the common room. He managed to get to the kitchen without any accidents. And thus, the hunt for food began. 

Midoriya climbed on top of the counter to search in the cupboards, grabbing a can of chicken noodle soup. His mom used to make it for him whenever he felt under the weather, and though she wasn't here to make it for him, it still reminded him of her.

He turned to climb down, only for his blanket to snag on the counter and pull him forward. Midoriya only let out a defeated sigh and hit the floor face first, dropping his soup can.

The noise seemed to have echoed throughout the whole dorm building, as a few seconds later a disgruntled Uraraka walked out of the elevator. 

Her hair was sticking up in random directions, as though it was trying to battle Midoriyas. Her skin was nearly white, apart from the dark circles under her eyes and the pink spots on her cheeks, barely visible.

"Yo motherfucker, you alright?" she asked, entering the kitchen. She leaned against the counter, just watching him as he lay on the floor.

"Fuck off," he retorted, sitting up and inspecting himself for any bruises. He then stood up and began to prepare his soup, grabbing an extra can for Uraraka.

The brunette sat at one of the tables, her humming filling the room. In barely any time at all, the soup was done. They dished up and began to eat, exchanging no words at all. 

Shortly later, the two had eaten all that their stomachs would allow. They dumped out the remainder of their food and went to sit on the couch, turning on the tv to watch the news.

"SoooO what now?" Uraraka asked, leaning over to Midoriya. Midoriya grunted and shoved her off of him before muttering a response.

"How the fuck should I know?"

Uraraka brought her hand up to her chest, a shocked expression on her face. "Excuse me, little boy?"

Midoriya simply flipped her off, turning his attention to the tv. Uraraka seemed to have other plans though.

She calmly got off the couch, placing her hands against it. It didn't take long before it began to float off toward the ceiling with Midoriya staring helplessly down at the ground.

He realized what he had to do and jumped down, wincing as the ground grew near. The impact sent waves of pain through his body. He felt as though he was being stabbed by something.

The green-haired boy slowly got to his feet, turning to access the damage. The sight that greeted him was a broken coffee table, shards of wood sticking out in random directions.

He knew that he probably had tons of slivers and cuts, but he couldn't be bothered. He'd just go to recovery girl tomorrow. For now, though, he had to do something about Uraraka.

The short girl was sitting on the floor a little ways away, laughing her head off. Midoriya smirked, feeling his energy slowly returning. He fired up his quirk, planting his feet firmly against the ground. 

The familiar feeling of power surging through his veins tore through him, filling him with adrenaline. Uraraka looked up, fear crossing onto her face. She knew what was going to happen, and began to run for her life.

Her shrieks echoed through the dorms, followed by the sounds of Midoriya crashing into any objects in his way. He'd definitely get in trouble later, but he was more focused on catching Uraraka.

Uraraka made her way toward the front door, only to be intercepted by the class returning. The two kids stopped the chase immediately, both falling to the ground.

"This is unacceptable behavior! I shall get Aizawa immediately," Iida declared, racing off toward the school. Midoriya sighed, resting his chin against the floor. Iida was such a party pooper.

(( Basically I just wanted to say that I might not update as much, I'm losing interest again despite the fact that I'm reading the manga again, rewatching the show, and reading bnha smash. I'm trying to do anything I can to keep writing but idk.

There's a lot going on right now, like my cat's condition. Turns out she had a massive abscess and she needed surgery. She's still recovering and she's kinda taking it badly, she can't walk or eat or anything because of the cone, and she doesn't know her way around it.

I think she may've fucked it up in the first five minutes of getting home because my mom thought it'd be a great idea to let her out in the kitchen. Spoiler alert: it was nooot. 

She basically did everything she's not supposed to do, like go up and down stairs, hitting the stitches, falling down the stairs, climbing under a bed, etc. She's calming down but I have school again so I cant monitor her 24/7 so I'm a little worried.

Sorry for this, I know it sucks that I'm talking about my life more than the story at this point, but I just wanted to apologize in advance if the chapters are a bit off. Also, I'm stressed af from school.

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