~Chapter Three~

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The whole decorating process took around an hour, but at least it was done. Midoriya checked his watch, noting the time. It was now 6:28, meaning he should eat dinner.

Relieved to be done working, Midoriya headed downstairs. Most of the students were downstairs, talking among themselves. As usual, Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Mina were sitting together on the couches.

Uraraka, Iida, and Tsuyu sat at the counter as they ate, Todoroki sitting off to the side. He seemed reluctant to join the group, almost as though he didn't feel welcome.

Midoriya made his way over to the four of them, flashing them a smile. 

"Hey guys," he said, propping his elbows on the corner of the counter. He earned a chorus of greetings in return before they all fell back into their previous conversations.

Feeling slightly left out, Midoriya turned to make his food. After a while of pondering over what to eat, Midoriya grabbed a few snacks from the cupboards. 

His "dinner" consisted of popcorn, Doritos, rootbeer, and fruit snacks. He tossed the popcorn in the microwave for a few minutes, passing the time by playing on his phone. With the popcorn done, Midoriya made his way back to the elevator.

As the doors began to slide shut, a hand intercepted them, causing them to open again.

Todoroki entered the elevator, his usual monotonous expression in place. 

"Oh hey, Todoroki."

The taller boy looked over at Midoriya before responding. "Hey, Midoriya."

"How're you?" Midoriya asked as the doors slid shut. 

"I'm good, and you?" Todoroki responded, turning to look at the smaller boy. Midoriya smiled up at him before replying.

"I'm good, a little tired from switching rooms, though." 

After a bit more small talk, the doors slid open, revealing the fifth-floor hall. After departing and heading to their own rooms, Midoriya flopped down on his bed.

The layout of his new room was slightly different, but he'd get used to it soon enough. Midoriya got changed and crawled into bed, pulling out his laptop to watch videos and eat his snacks. 

With all his snacks gone and hours gone by, Midoriya began to feel exhausting weighing in on him. He put his laptop away and lay down, lulled to sleep by a rhythmic tapping somewhere in the walls.

He'd have to check it out tomorrow, but for now, he just wanted to sleep.

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