~Chapter Eleven~

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Todoroki sighed and knocked on the door in front of him, earning a muffled "coming" from the other side. Seconds later he was face to face with a confused Yaoyorozu. She seemed genuinely startled by his appearance. 

"Erm, I can come back some other time, you seem busy at the moment." Todoroki turned to leave but was interjected by Yaoyorozu's arm. She reached out and grabbed his wrist, not hard enough to hurt but strong enough to get his attention.

"No, it's fine. Come in," she offered, gesturing to her room. Todoroki hesitated before following her inside. He was instantly met with the smell of tea.

Yaoyorozu turned and poured them both a cup.

"So," she started, sitting down at the table. Todoroki sat down across from her and accepted the tea with a grateful smile. "What's on your mind? You seem troubled."

Todoroki thought for a moment, trying to pick the right words to describe how he was feeling. He'd decided to ask Yaoyorozu about his sudden admiration for Midoriya. It'd gotten to the point where Midoriya was the only thing he'd think of. 

After a few moments, he spoke.

"Midoriya," he said simply. 

"What do you mean? Did something happen? Are you guys in a fight?"

Todoroki shook his head. "No, he's just the only thing I can think about lately. At first, I thought it was just admiration, but it's... different, I guess. I don't know how to explain it."

A look of understanding crossed Yaoyorozu's face, along with a small smile. She took a sip of tea before responding.

"Is it perhaps... love?" She suggested. Todoroki looked at her in shock, his cheeks growing hot. 


"Well, from what you've said and the way you act around him, it seems to me like you're in love." Yaoyorozu giggled at Todoroki's reaction. 

Todoroki thought about it for a while, unsure of what to say. It did seem to feel how people described love, but why? Why did he fall in love? Why did he love someone when couldn't even love himself?

"I gotta say though, you've got some good taste. Midoriya's a sweet boy, and he brings out the best in you. He makes you smile and laugh. I missed that." 

Todoroki chuckled at her comment, pushing all the dark thoughts from his mind. It finally made sense to him. Now, all he had to do was accept it and hope for the best.

Just then, panic set in.

"Wait- he'd never like me back though. What am I supposed to do?"

Yaoyorozu only giggled and rolled her eyes. 

"That's for you to figure out. And I wouldn't jump to conclusions so fast. Now, I think you should go back to your room now. We've got a lot of homework tonight, and I'm not lending you my notes this time."



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