-Chapter Fifteen-

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Midoriya pulled his blanket up closer to his chin, teeth chattering. Perhaps jumping into cold water hadn't been such a good idea, even if Todoroki was there to warm them up.

As he lay in bed, unable to fall asleep, his mind replayed the events from earlier.


Eventually, the five of them got used to the water, meaning they didn't need to huddle around Todoroki anymore. The group spread out a bit, taking advantage of the large pond.

It didn't take long before they'd gotten into pairs to participate in chicken fights. Since there were five of them, someone had to sit out. Iida had elected himself for that role, to "ensure no one got hurt" as he'd stated.

With that decided, the games began. First-round was Tsuyu against Todoroki, with Uraraka and Midoriya holding them up from below. It was over rather fast, with Todoroki claiming victory. 

Next, Midoriya and Uraraka on top of the others. Judging by the malicious grin on her face, Uraraka was probably not gonna go down easy. Maybe at all.

This match lasted a lot longer than the last. Not only did Midoriya have to avoid getting knocked over, he also had to dodge Uraraka's hands. One simple touch and he'd float off to god only knows where. The thought made him shiver.

Finally, Midoriya saw an opening. Tsuyu had stumbled, and with the momentary distraction, Midoriya launched forward. While he had shoved Uraraka into the water, she'd managed to drag him down with her, flinging him over Tsuyu somehow.

After a few moments of laughter and conversation, the group started splashing each other, beginning a water fight. Some took it seriously, while others participated solely to watch the others have fun.

It was probably good that the pond was in a more deserted area of the city, located just outside a local park. Not many people lived around here, so a lot of bored teenagers could often be found jumping from the bridge. 

After a little bit, the splashing died down and the group climbed out of the water, trembling as the cold night air hit their wet skin. Not wanting to be exposed for too long, they quickly put their clothes back on and began the trek home, this time soaked.


Midoriya sighed and sat up, looking at the clock. 1:18 am. Todoroki was probably sleeping at this point, but it was worth a shot. They hadn't actually talked through morse code in a while.

-.-- --- ..- / .- .-- .- -.- . ..--..

M: You awake?

It took a few seconds but a response eventually came.

-.-- . .- .... .-.-.- / .-- .... .- - .----. ... / ..- .--. ..--..

T: Yeah. What's up?

-.-. .- -. .----. - / ... .-.. . . .--. .-.-.- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- / .. ..-. / .. / .-- --- -.- . / -.-- --- ..- / ..- .--. -.-.--

M: Can't sleep. Sorry if I woke you up!

-. --- --..-- / .. - .----. ... / ..-. .. -. . .-.-.- / .. / .-- .- ... -. .----. - / ... .-.. . . .--. .. -. --. ..--.. / .- -. -.. / -... . ... .. -.. . ... .-.-.- / .. / .-.. .. -.- . / - .- .-.. -.- .. -. --. / .-- .. - .... / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.-

T: Nah it's fine. I wasn't sleeping, and besides. I like talking to you.

Midoriya's cheeks heated up at the words, overjoyed to hear them. It filled his stomach with butterflies and sent his heart fluttering.

... --- .-. .-. -.-- ..--.. / - .... .- - / .--. .-. --- -... .- -... .-.. -.-- / ... --- ..- -. -.. . -.. / .-- . .. .-. -.. .-.-.-

T: Sorry, that probably sounded weird.

Midoriya giggled and tapped out a quick response.

-. --- - / .- - / .- .-.. .-.. -.-.-- / .. / .-.. .. -.- . / - .- .-.. -.- .. -. --. / - --- / -.-- --- ..- / - --- --- -.-.--

M: Not at all! I like talking to you too!

.. .----. -- / --. .-.. .- -.. .-.-.- / ... --- / .... --- .-- / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- ..--..

T: I'm glad. So how are you?

--. .-. . .- - -.-.-- / .- -. -.. / -.-- --- ..- ..--..

M: Great! And you?

-... . - - . .-. / -. --- .-- .-.-.-

T: Better now.

The two continued to talk for a while longer, both glad that they were able to communicate like this again. During the few days of silence, they'd both come to feel rather lonely.

But now, everything was back to normal. Exactly how things should be.

((Man, sorry for all the authors notes lately, but I just like talking. Basically I'm slowly getting back into this, and I'm contemplating writing one after this cos I need my angst backkk. Also, my dog just got a serious bladder infection and my cat might've broke something, so I'm a little worried about that. It took a little but my cat finally trusts me enough again to come near me. 

I want to take my cat to the vet but I'm broke and my parents won't do it because we don't know for sure, and we just spent a ton of money for my dog to get medicine. Idk, it hurts to see her like that ;-;))

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