-Chapter Twenty-

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Todoroki looked up at the large shelf towering over him. It contained assortments of candy, ranging from chocolates to gummy candies. He recalled Midoriya saying he liked anything sweet.

With a shrug, the dual-haired male reached forward and started picking up handfuls of nearly every candy. He also got himself a few Kit Kats.

Once the bottom of the shopping cart was coated in a layer of sweets, Todoroki continued on his journey through the store. So far he'd gotten hot chocolate powder, marshmallows, and whip cream. 

The soft jazz music playing overhead filled Todoroki with a sense of ease, carried along by the bad weather outside. For some reason, everything felt warmer when it was raining or snowing. It just filled his heart with a feeling that could only be described as joy. ((Excuse me wtf? I have no idea how to describe it))

Humming along to the beat of the music, Todoroki pushed the cart through the isles of the store, scanning the shelves for anything to bring a smile to Midoriya's face. 


Todoroki handed the cab driver some money with a quiet thanks before climbing out of the car. The rain was coming down heavier than ever, soaking him almost immediately. 

The tall boy quickly grabbed all the bags out of the car and rushed toward the dorms, seeking shelter. Inside, all the lights were on, filling the room with their warm glow. Todoroki smiled to himself, enjoying the homely feeling of it all.

Todoroki struggled under the weight of all the bags hanging off his arms. More than once they'd nearly tripped him, swinging between his long legs. 

Eventually, he made it to Midoriya's room. As expected, it was empty. Todoroki entered the room and set all the bags down on the bed before turning to get new clothes from his own room.

Now that he was warm and dry, he could begin. He took everything out and set it on the bed, viewing what he had to work with. He set the edible stuff on the desk for now.

He had a few rolls of fairy lights, a few blankets and pillows, another cat plushie similar to the one he won for Midoriya, and some tape. First step: tidy up.

There were a few clothes on the floor but other than that, everything was clean. Next, he spread a blanket out on the floor in the space beside his bed and dresser. 

He grabbed the chair from the dresser and placed it beside the blanket, closest to the door. Then, he took another blanket and spread it over the blanketed floor, taping the corner to the shelf on top of the dresser. ((Idk why but that exists now.))

He then taped another side to the chair and draped the remaining blanket over the bed. He placed a few books there to weigh it down. Flipping one of the corners of the blanket, he made an entrance that could be opened and closed with ease.

 Now, he just had to decorate. He began to place the pillows in neatly, facing the balcony door. They were blocking the entrance, but not so much that they couldn't climb over them.

Next, he placed the new and old cat plushies in on the left side for Midoriya. He took the remaining two blankets and spread them across the floor.

Nearly everything was in place. Now, all he needed to do was figure out what to do with the fairy lights. He'd decided long ago that they were necessary.

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