~Chapter Four~

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Midoriya sighed, glancing over at his alarm clock. The glowing red numbers popped out to him, telling him the time. It was currently 10:46 am, meaning most of his peers would be downstairs.

He quickly got dressed before making his way to the elevator, passing the other empty dorms on the floor. It'd definitely take some time for him to get used to the new floor, but as always, he'd manage.

As he walked, the tapping from yesterday resurfaced in his mind. It could very well be rain, but it seemed to be coming from inside the wall. Rats? No, highly unlikely. He doubted there was any way the Heights Alliance dorms would get infested with rats. Even if there were rats, they most certainly left after the incident with Bakugou and Kaminari. 

With no other ideas, the green-haired boy continued his journey to the first floor. When the doors to the elevator slid open, the familiar sight of his classmates greeted him.

As always, Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima were huddled around the hot-headed Bakugou, most likely testing his temper. Midoriya was surprised he hadn't already killed one of them.

Anyone could see, however, that he cared about his friends. No matter how riled up they got him, they'd always come back. And he'd let them. He's definitely come a long way.

Turning his attention from the large group of friends, Midoriya began to look around the room. Mineta, as always, was stalking the girls. Tokoyami was quietly sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

Yaoyorozu and Jirou were sitting at a table chatting, wide smiles on their faces. Any fool could see they'd gotten close as well. 

"Deku!" A cheerful voice called from the left. A certain brunette sat on a couch, surrounded by their closest friends of the class. Iida, Tsuyu, and Todoroki. 

The dual-haired boy was the latest member of the group, only opening up after the sports festival. Over the past few months, he'd really come out of his shell, talking with the other class members and making himself part of the so-called "Deku-squad".

Uraraka had been the one to come up with the name, and no matter how much they complained, nothing was gonna change it. Once her mind was set, there was no going back.

Midoriya waved and walked over, flashing them his famous cinnamon roll smile. He plopped himself in the empty space, beside Todoroki and Uraraka.

"Soooo, whatcha guys wanna do now?" Uraraka instantly began, her cheery voice seeming to light up the world around her. 

Midoriya paused for a moment to think. There wasn't too much they could do around the dorms, but they could always go into town as well. 

"How about we pitch in and clean the living room? A clean environment is important in a developing teenagers life!" Iida responded, full of gusto. 

"No, no way! Waaay too boring," Uraraka jumped up, pretending to be offended by his suggestion. "Any other ideas?"

 "We could go to a cafe. A new one just opened up in town, it's a cat cafe," Tsuyu suggested, resting her finger against her chin. Uraraka instantly jumped up into the air, a giant smile on her face.

It was almost scary how excited she got sometimes...

"I think that's a good idea," Todoroki said in agreement.

"Me too!" Midoriya grinned, matching Uraraka's excitement. 

With all in agreement, the group of five began to get ready to leave, each grabbing their wallets and coats. Once everyone was ready, they left the dormitories, Uraraka leading them.

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