2. starbucks

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The tiny shop was nestled in between a department store and a busy Target on the main street that Keith knew like the back of his hand. He weaved through the road rage and grandmas to his second favorite place in the world. 

"Hi Keith!!" His fun-loving friend, Romelle greeted him from the counter. She had been the barista there for a few months now.

He nodded, his laptop and camera in a bag on his shoulders. He slowly stepped into the line.

"Mama! Mama!!" A young boy cried from in front of Keith. And of course, when he was this exhausted, his moment of peace had to be ruined.

Keith glared downward only to see the boy shared remarkably similar features to none other than...


"I can't escape you can I?" Keith mumbled to himself, crossing his arms. 

The boy turned, and glanced up at him, big round blue eyes shining with pre-cried tears. 

He stepped forward, and without breaking eye contact abruptly grabbed Keith's shirt. Then he fell to his knees and started bawling. 

Keith stiffened, stepping away from the kid as he began to beat the ground with tiny fists. 

"No! Malo!" The tall lady in front of Keith started screaming. She scooped up the boy, quickly spanking him on the rear with her phone. 

The boy continued to sniffle softly and pull her hair as she turned to Keith. "Sorry about that..he can get a little out of hand.." 

Keith shrugged, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. "I don't mind."

"Hard day?" Romelle asked as Keith slid her a five dollar bill. "Your off early." 

"Adam let me off early, my client was a pain." 

"That all?"

Keith groaned. "Lance." 

Romelle chuckled, sliding Keith his usual piping hot brew. "Black, just like ya like it." She tried with a smile. 

"Thanks Melle." He grabbed the beverage and turned. 

"Keith-" she called. He glanced at her, frowning. "Yeah?"

She grinned, placing her fingers at the tips of her smile. "Turn that frown upside down!" 

Keith couldn't help it, she was too sweet. So he smiled back, even if it was clearly pained and fake. She winked and turned to the next customer. 

Keith sat at his normal spot in the dim corner, plugging in his heavy headphones and setting up his laptop to work on the portfolio.

As he worked, he couldn't help but glance at the little boy now and then. 

Two hours later his phone rang, and it happened to be Shiro. His older brother.

"Keith? You there?" 

Keith sighed. "Yeah, why?"

"Just wanted to see how your doing. How was your day? Allura told me you got off early."

"How nice of her."


"It was great Shiro, the best."

"I sense sarcasm in your voice."

"There is always sarcasm in my voice."

Shiro's sigh was drawn out and Keith was suprised he could still breathe. He probably practiced a lot though, what with how many times Keith dissapointed him. 

"Fine, don't tell me. But Kosmo needs more food."

Keith narrowed his eyes- Kosmo was his dog sure, but Shiro lived in the same apartment as Keith. Why couldn't he feed him?

"What's wrong with you that you can't do it? I'm working on a portfolio."

"You'll finish it soon if you aren't done already, besides, I have to take Matt to his interview in fifteen minutes. It's your dog anyway Keith, accept responsibility."

"Yeah, yeah I know whatever."

"I knew you'd understand."

"Is that what I said?"

"That's what I heard. I'll see you later tonight."


"Bye now."

Keith hung up. He didn't feel bad, no. Why should he? Shiro was being lazy, and using a lame excuse again. 

Okay, maybe it was finally time for Matt to get a job, but why couldn't Shiro just-

Keith's face must have shown his annoyance because Romelle was grinning at him again from across the room.

'Turn that smile..' She mouthed, waiting for him to finish.

'Upside down.' He rolled his eyes which caused her to laugh. He smiled at her before emailing Adam the finished portfolio. 

He eyed his empty cup, he would kill for more, but he was broke now. 


Hey guys

Im so sorryyyy for two reasons-

1) this was probably a terrible chapter for everyone- i was going for a slight filler chapter?? Im trying to slowly get you guys kind of comfortable in their world? And whats better than a friend at a coffee shop and a nasty boy that reminds you of your rival? Hah...sorry guys :( its real short

2) im going outta town for a while so i will be offline (check my feed for more info on that) so i wont update for about a week or so sorry :((

So i know it was a short chapter and probably really boring for you guys..i tried to save the day with Romelle!! Lmao she is such an amazing character..

TuRn tHat FrOwn UpSiDe DowN

Lolol but look to the future!! Next chapters will be on Lance!! <33 yayayay

Sorry again guys :( ill try to update as soon as i can when im back ill miss u guys a lot!!

Anyone listen to the song i put in?

Qotd: favorite color?

(Aotd: mine is purple haha)

Sorry again guys hope the chapter wasn't terrible :(

Love uuu

SNS out

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