20. motorcycle

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Lance had never felt more scared in his life. And Keith claimed he wasn't even going fast. He said there was a freedom in it. A way to let go and embrace the vulnerability.

But Lance was scared of that vulnerability. And he wasn't ready to let go. So he held onto Keith's stomach as tight as he could and kept his head buried in Keith's neck. His hair was surprisingly soft, and his back was warm.

He was actually starting to relax. The wind in his hair under the helmet...

Then Keith started speeding up and Lance freaked.

He grasped Keith's stomach a little too tight and the driver must've felt it. Keith slowed to a stop on the side of the road. He turned around.


Lance slipped off his helmet. "Yeah?"

"What are you so scared of?"

Lance furrowed his eyebrows. "Uh, like everything. Us getting hit, us hitting something....me falling off-"

"That's not going to happen."

" How do you know? "

"Because I-" Keith sighed. "Okay, just get on."

" Okay... " Lance did as he was told but didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Keith's waist extra tight.

"Hold on." Keith said and then they were off. Much faster than before. Lance stayed hidden and close to Keith's back as they flew through the downtown streets. Which was on the opposite side of town than where Lance lived....

"Where are we going???" Lance yelled.

" Shut up and trust me. " Keith called back before speeding off down a back road.

Lance couldn't help it, he looked up. Just for a split second.

And he saw the stars. And felt the empty vulnerability Keith was talking about. All around him. The wind had picked up and it felt so nice. There were no cars in sight, and they were speeding down the streets, engine revved.

Lance let loose of Keith and smiled. It felt wonderful. The wind, and the speed. The adrenaline.

And he was safe. He trusted Keith.

"This is awesome." He muttered as they flew down more streets before coming to an empty cul- de- sac, where Keith came to a stop. He tore off his helmet.

"Fun right?" He had an adrenaline crazed grin, and a few beads of sweat dotted his neck. His hair spiked and flattened in just the right places and something about that energized look in his eyes... It was hot as fuck.

"Yeah. Thanks." Lance smiled. " How did you know coming back here would loosen me up? "

Keith shrugged. "Its where my dad brought me on my first motorcycle ride. Trust me, I wasn't excited." He laughed and Lance did too.

Lance had never seen Keith so chill and content. Except for when he was with Kosmo. Lance liked this side of Keith.

"So you ready to go home?" Keith asked. Lance nodded.

They slipped on their helmets and sped away towards Lance's apartment.

It was blue, and Lance lived on the second floor. Keith parked and waited for Lance to walk into his home before he drove away.

Lance kicked off his shoes and threw his clothes on the ground. He was exhausted, and was glad he didn't have work until noon tomorrow. But he also felt accomplished.

Not only because he and Keith had caught up on four photo shoots either. He felt more comfortable with Keith after the motorcycle ride.

Maybe it was the small snippet into Keith's childhood with his father, or how helpful he was towards Lance's fear. Whatever it was, it attached itself to the image of Keith looking back at Lance on the bike, and haunted Lance's dreams that night.

Hot Mess ~Klance Modeling AuWhere stories live. Discover now