a/n how i write !

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hi! you can skip this but this is for my readers who have been asking me how i write and/or organize my plot !!

so, pretty much, i don't have detailed long term ideas or anything, tho i do have a thick ass journal full of my general layout

what i do as a writer, is take my journal or sticky notes, or an open doc on my phone and i go places and look for inspiration! if you're blanked out, go to frickin target and imagine keith and lance vibing- what would they say, do, buy, such and such. your minds are really creative, and they lead to incredible scenes!! always keep something on hand to jot down ideas cause they're everywhere !!

so that's what i did for months, and came up with a bunch of random scenes and songs i matched with them. its a lot like tumblr headcanon lists lol but specific to your story!

such as:
- keith intro!
- lance intro!
- meeting😼
- lunch break at the mall
- go shopping together ?
- fighting a lot somewhere idk
- keith has abs
- hunk and shay painted their houses, butterflies/ sunlight on cream
- romelle works at starbucks and water park
- carnival scene

and so on right! so then i put it all in order, and i constantly come up with side scenes, like pidge getting a car, or keith and matt trying to hack her stuff, and adam and shiro meeting at the grocery store, to filler! bc it's a slow burn and i need extra stuff haha

then for an actual chapter i will take the specific scene i need right? so say, (carnival trip) and then i take little headcanons i made like (buddy system) or ( "we are a good team" carnival games) and so on, and i put it into bullets for a chapter

ex. this is the vague layout for chapter 39:

start w/ keith heading to fairgrounds from gym <which didn't happen but that's ok!!>
-thinking about his costume but we still wont mention😎
-get to carnival lance is most excited
-vibe town everyone is here but shay and coran and adam and lotor
-split into "buddy system"
-weird gay tension cause they partners
-spend the day playing games and stuff "we are a good team" GAY
-cute ferris wheel moment, talk about the cliche gay moment
-joke about it, reallyyy cute
-ask how it's gonna feel to be 24, small talk
-adorable gayness

lol so superrr weird and vague right, like im talking cause i talk it out. then i just write it out and use that as a safety railing to keep me on track, and when you get going, like i said earlier, your mind is super creative and it just kinda flows and small jokes and little fluff and flirting scenes and puns kinda roll out and branch off so uh, yeah.

then proofreading is the worst part hah, but ALWAYS re-read your works before publishing, not only for grammar and spelling checks, but also to make sure it flows, and if you can hear the character saying it, you're gold. its also a perfect time to add little snippets that make words a little more perfect :)

proofreading can be tedious, and sometimes i proofread the same part over three times especially for long chapters but it's worth it bc nothing is more embarrassing than readers calling you out on your spelling :( and when it flows readers notice and praise you and it's so sweet !!

but nothing is perfect and no chapter will be the same or as good as others, and you're not gonna feel satisfied all the time but it's whatever ya know! i'll always support you 💞

haha so yeah, that's how i write! idk if that helped anyone i am a pretty new writer so ofc i need practice but yeah that's my major process !

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