40. guarentee

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"Pidgeeee!!" Lance knocked harder. " Pidge open uppp. "

"No. Go away." She called from the other side of the door. " Rover and I don't wanna hear anymore of your overly dramatized soap opera. "

"But that's just my life." He squeaked, slumping against the door.

"Exactly." She retorted.

"BaeBae is my only supporter."

" Yes, and she's asleep. " Pidge said.

"Should I tell school grounds about your little friends, then?" Lance threatened cheerfully.

" You wouldn't. "

"Oh but I would." Lance said, leaning against the door frame and smirking as she finally opened the door. She crossed her arms, glaring up at him.

"I hate you."

" Love you too. " He said, tousling her hair and making his way in. She clucked her tongue and closed the door.

The dorm wasn't as tidy as usual, cluttered with balled up notes, dirty hoodies, and nutter butter wrappers. Her green lights shaded the room, giving it an eerily ethereal hue, like a meadow at night, after a rain.

Pidge made her way back to her bean bag, slumping into it with Rover, and opening her laptop.

"So, what is it now?" She asked, tapping away at her keyboard at world record breaking speed. Rover nuzzled up under her arm, his big eyes watching Lance curiously, as he licked his nose. 

Lance laid on Pidge's bed, next to BaeBae's lanky body. "Well." He said, looking up at the ceiling. " I'm having a crisis. "

Pidge didn't look up. "Putting it midly?"

" Putting it midly. " Lance agreed.

"And you came to me instead of Hunk or Allura because..."

Lance wrapped an arm around BaeBae's warm, snoring middle. "Hunk is way too busy preparing to cater the runway event, and Allura said she doesn't wanna hear it-"

"I said that too. You still came to me."

" Look-" Lance said. "You're the smartest out of all of us, and I dunno. Maybe I need some real sound advice for once."

Pidge slowly closed her laptop, leaning forward. "Ok."

"It's uh..." He chuckled under his breathe. " It's kind of funny, actually. "

Pidge nodded, smiling. "Yeahh.." She knew where this was going.

" So, you know how I told you guys, I like Keith? Or I have somewhat feelings.... or whatever shit. Infatuation, maybe. "

Pidge leaned back in the bean bag, stretching her little legs out. "I remember."

" Well, I don't know. I've had a lot of crushes before-"

"Oh, we know."

Lance glared at her, but continued. "And I would even say I've been in love, maybe more than once. But this feels so different."

Pidge blinked. "Lance, I love you and all, and I really wanna help. But are you sure I'm the right person to ask? I mean, I've never exactly...felt anything more than a platonic bond for someone. "

"Exactly! Perfect." Lance said, sitting up quickly. "You won't be biased, you can just tell me straight what I should do, ya know. No past experiences or relating crap. Because he's not like anyone else."

Hot Mess ~Klance Modeling AuWhere stories live. Discover now