23. iverson

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The next wednesday, Shiro walked into his work slightly nervous. Today was the day of Matt's initiation conference and potential interview with the head chief of GAE, Lieutenant Iverson.

Matt was at his side as they entered the stunning building. The futuristic, modernized, technology and space combination made Shiro's job one of his favorite places on earth.

"Man, I hope I get the job." Matt muttered to himself as Shiro used the key card hanging around his neck to sign in at the front desk.

As James let him through, the aerospace cadet taking college courses at the Garrison (who had been put on desk duty for his recent misconduct), Shiro sighed and turned to Matt.

"You're one of the smartest people I know Matt. When it comes to science, and technology, you and Pidge are geniuses. Literally. All you need, is a better work ethic." Shiro nodded to James, and the men passed through the lobby to an elevator. The shiny floors echoed with rushing footsteps from the other garrison workers heading to work.

Matt and Shiro entered the elevator with a few other workers. "Thanks man. You really think I can make it?"

Shiro nodded. "You don't work hard enough. But stop slacking, and yes. I really do."

Matt grinned. "I'll try my best." He tried for a salute. Shiro chuckled.

"Wrong hand."

Matt blushed. "Oh-"

"But just so you know, this actually is rocket science. So don't get too comfortable. Everyday is a challenge." The elevator stopped to exchange passengers on the fourth floor. The men were headed for the sixth.

Matt shrugged. "I got this."

Shiro smiled. "I hope so. I'd love to have you around here."

Matt smiled. Maybe he was taking that the wrong way, but it still felt good to hear.

The sixth floor was filled to the brim with office cubicles, and glass surrounded conference rooms. Iverson's office was hidden at the far end of the level.

The smell of coffee and ironed dress shirts filled Matt and Shiro's noses as they slowly passed through the cubicles to the office. Matt wiped his hands on his jeans. He was beyond nervous.

Despite Shiro's attempt at calming Matt's worries, he'd never been more nervous.

Shiro cleared his throat as they came to the thick dark wood of Iverson's door. He turned to Matt.

"Ready?" He asked, prosthetic hand on the door knob.

Matt almost nodded yes but stopped himself. "No."

Shiro smiled. "Alright."

He led him to a few chairs in the break room. A small white table sat between them. He watched Matt fiddle with his bi colored bracelet and bite his lip.

"Its going to be okay Matt." Shiro tried. "Even if you don't get the job, there's always another. "

Matt frowned and locked eyes with Shiro. "That's the thing. I've always slacked off and half assed it. But I really want this one. I don't know what I'll do with myself if I mess this up."

Shiro smiled. "Then you won't." Matt raised an eyebrow and Shiro continued. " I know you Matt. Sure, you can be irresponsible and immature sometimes. But when you really want something, you get it. This is no different. "

Matt sighed. "I... I hope you're right."

Shiro leaned back in his chair. "When am I ever wrong?"

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