4. hey brother

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"Any reason why you're going to kill your dear brother?" Lance asked his friend.

Pidge sat shotgun, cleaning her glasses against her sky blue t-shirt. Lances raggedy pickup truck sputtered in front of one of the neatest dorms at the college, students coughing as they passed by and inhaled the nasty exhaust.

"In particular, no, I love my dear brother with all my heart." She smirked at Lance. "But I've had a lot on my plate with school and the competition with Keith coming up, especially since I'm hiding BaeBae and Rover in my room against school policy. And then Matt goes off and-"

"Wait wait wait." Lance says quickly cutting her off, and jerking the car to a stop in the middle of the parking lot. "Keith?! What competition with Keith?!" His voice comes out higher than he prefers and he finds himself clearing his throat.

Pidge rolls her eyes. "Its just this local dog competition he found online, he is entering Kosmo, and thought it'd be fun for me to bring along my dogs."

Lance frowned. "Oh." That was one thing he couldn't beat Keith at, but only because he didn't own a dog. If he did, he'd win at whatever they had to do. He considered himself better than Keith at everything and anything, and took any chance to show it, just to wipe that smirk off his moody face.

"So like I was saying..." Pidge continued as Lance pulled out of the lot finally. "Ya know how Matt doesn't have a job cause he is waiting for placement at that Garrison engineering place Shiro works?"

Lance scratched his head. It rang a bell sure, but a faint one. "Uh..yeah..?"

Pidge smiled. "Yeah well, waiting around for it wasn't paying his bills and he was living on pastries from the gas station."

Lance laughed, that life wouldn't be that bad.

"So I offered him a job, just a temporary one until he could get the job at the garrison, being the kind and patient person I am right?"

"Mhm." Lance nodded. He already knew where this was going.

"Well I put my ass on the line to get my boss to open up a slot for Matt and guess who decided not to show up for his first day?" Pidge grumbled, her glasses shining fiercely.

"Gosh, Matt." Lance chuckled. "I'd kill him too. But..you didn't lose your job did you?"

"No luckily, but I have extra hours now which sucks cause how am I supposed to keep my grades up??"

"You're definitely in a pickle." Lance tried to joke.

"You can say that again." Pidge nodded, as she glared out the window. They were passing her job at the moment, the dingy arcade in the middle of the weed infested parking lot. Despite its unkept nature, the lot was full of customers.

"How was work for you though, I hope better than my day?"

"Yeah, though I'm not as excited about it as I was before...Hunk gave me some unsettling advice along with Allura."

"Why? What'd they say?"

"Well, we get assigned new fashion lines tommorow, and new photographers. So I'm a little worried me and Allura will get split up, you know me and her have-"

"Been together since the beginning yes. I know. That's what's got you upset?"

"Well no, also I feel like I don't have a chance at making the front cover of Altea magazine, Allura made it seem like she knew there was no chance we'd make it, despite how great we did today."

Pidge shrugged. "I mean, maybe she does. Her father is the head...and it isn't that bad if you don't make it. Is it?"

Lance shook his head. "I guess not.."

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