15. mentor

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"Pidge..." Shiro shook his head in disappointment at the young girl as he entered the local grocery store. It was a Thursday, the 22nd of August, and Shiro had half the day off of work. He was supposed to have the whole day off, but a huge meeting on the necessities of Matt's internship was going to be happening at 4, so he would have to be there.

Keith wanted grilled cheese for dinner also, so Shiro had set off for the ingredients. Pidge had been spamming his phone for hours on theories about Matt. Shiro couldn't help but smile.

It was funny really, with everyone thinking Shiro didn't know. But he did, and he had known for a few years now. He knew Matt liked him. And Shiro loved him, just not like that. It was sad, but Shiro couldn't force non-existent feelings on himself. so he entertained the fact that everyone believed he was oblivious to Matt's obvious actions, and had set Pidge up to investigating Matt's behavior. Pidge was fully on board with the plan, and even added her unique twist: if Matt didn't confess, she would blackmail him. If Keith didn't confess, she would also blackmail him.

The Keith part of the plan had been Shiro's idea. Keith deserved to be embarrassed sometimes. And the photos were easy to give. So now the plan was in action, and Pidge claimed she hadn't gotten any information from Matt. She also promised some blackmailing action as soon as possible. But she still continued to blabber about Matt's actions and how Matt said this or looked like this...

Shiro loved Matt. He really did. That was his best friend, and his right hand man. He wanted Matt to be happy.

But he couldn't force himself to fall in love, so he waited patiently in case somehow the feelings would arise. He waited just as he knew Matt was waiting.

Shiro was in the bread aisle, staring at his phone, staring at Pidge's endless paragraphs about what Matt used to whisper in his sleep when he bumped into a figure.


Apples and a bag of Tostitos chips fell to the ground, with a package of sprite cans to follow. Shiro slowly looked up at the owner of the goods.

It was a man, probably a few inches shorter than Shiro, with sandy brown hair and a lopsided grin. He wore wire rimmed glasses and a plain white t-shirt that was a little tight to his 6 pack. He wore classic blue jeans and sneakers.

"Sorry, wasn't paying attention." Shiro blushed as he knelt down to help pick up the chips and apples. He cursed inwardly, the guy was cute.

"It's alright man," God, Shiro thought, his voice is smooth too. "Must be something important." He brushed his hair out of his face and nodded at Shiro's phone.

Shiro stared at Pidge's texts and shook his head, pushing the phone deep into his back pocket. "Not really...here you go." He handed the guy the groceries.

"Thanks." The lopsided grin again, that caused Shiro's heart to pound.

"Yeah of course." Shiro said, a little too genuinely, "It was nice uh, bumping into you...?" He cursed again. Real smooth.

"Nice bumping into you too..uh, your name?"

Deep brown eyes-

My name...

He asked my name......


The guy blinked at him. "Well I'm Adam," Shiro sucked in his breath.

"Shiro, sorry my name's Shiro." he paused. "Well it's Takashi, but everyone just calls me Shiro."

He expected Adam to do that funny grin again but the man faltered. He seemed to be taking Shiro in. Shiro blushed.

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