18. versace

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Narti sat with her camera, frown on her face as she listened to Allura ramble. The white haired beauty was standing in front of the mirror behind the studio in her blue cotton t-shirt and skinny jeans. She was pulling at strands of her hair as she called back to Narti.

"What do you think I'd look like with short hair?" Allura asked pulling her hair back to frame her chin. "Think it'd look nice?"

Narti shook her head and continued sorting her filters. She didn't have time for this kind of thing. Not with so much work to be done.

"I think you'd look lovely, though it would take time to get used to." A highly accented voice called from the entrance of the studio.

Allura looked around the wall to see Lotor, her modeling partner. His long white hair, that matched hers, was pulled into a ponytail, and he wore a blue pinstripe suit with high waters. He folded his sunglasses and smiled his lopsided grin he always used on Allura.

"Might bring out your eyes more." He added. Allura's cheeks turned pink and Narti rolled her eyes, ignoring them.

" Thanks. " Allura smiled at him. He nodded, before turning to Narti.

" What's on the agenda for today?"

Narti pulled out a manilla folder and began to read in her monotone whisper. "Two shoots, four outfits...the usual."

" Lotor always asks anyways. " Allura chuckled.

"You never know." Lotor shrugged. " Let's begin. "

Narti set up her layouts and filters for the first shoot as the models headed for their outfits in the back of the studio.

"This first shoot will be with you both in it. The second are some solos." Narti explained as the two returned, changed.

Allura wore a knee length dress, made of lace, with orange and brown leaves patterned across it. She was barefoot, and had followed her styling directions by slipping artificial leaves into her waves, and blushing her cheeks.  Even the small details had to be perfect for Narti's standards though, and that took time. She couldn't wait to get her personal stylist. But that luxury came with the success of the shoots.

Lotor matched in a long beige trench coat and leather shoes. A red and orange scarf wrapped around his neck. His hair was in a bun, and he had slipped some foundation on his nose. Allura smiled at him as they joined each other.

"You look nice. As always." Allura complimented him.

It was true, no matter what they were wearing for the autumnal line, Lotor always looked gorgeous. Allura wasn't surprised he had been chosen as her partner.

" So do you, Princess. " Lotor smiled back.

Narti sighed. "You two done?" At the impatience in her tone, the two followed her instructions for the shoot.

It was, by far the most intimate pose they had been assigned so far. Lotor's arm around Allura's slim waist, and her arms wrapped around his neck. He was taller, and it was made to look like they were an oblivious couple going out. As they posed, and Narti clicked her camera, Allura couldn't help but exaggerate every breath of Lotor's on her cheek.

"Allura, slide closer. And turn towards me, ninety degrees-" Narti instructed.

"No, no. More to the left. No, go back-"

After five minutes of Narti's instructions, Allura's squirming, and Lotor's smirks and chuckles, it was finally perfect.

"Okay, stay there. Don't move." Narti huffed, sliding back to her camera. She circled them, and snapped the shots at her preferred angles. She hummed to herself as she worked, her black dress trailing behind her.

Hot Mess ~Klance Modeling AuWhere stories live. Discover now