11. midnight

11K 415 900

The rain was hard against the roof of Lance's truck and fat drops slid down his windows. It was 6 a.m again, but this time he was pulling into Altea's parking lot. Because it was so early, Starbucks was closed and he had been forced to resort to McDonald's grainy, extra strong coffee. 

He wore shorts despite the cold air the end of summer was bringing and entered the building. He knew Keith wouldn't be there for another fifteen minutes at most, and he was ready to apologize.

After the fight, Lance had spent the day with Hunk "reflecting on his life decisions" as his best friend had said. In the end, Hunk came to the conclusion that it was Lances fault and that he needed to apologize.

And though Lance would never admit that it was his fault, he agreed to apologize. Lance then had to explain how stubborn and ungrateful Keith was, which in turn led Hunk to explain to Lance that Keith deserved a good apology.

Plus, Lance needed to show Keith that he did care about his job. Even more than Keith did. 

So here Lance was, sitting on Keith's stool, talking to the group chat about Pidge's placebo effect essay, and Allura's new shampoo. 

The group chat Voltron had been made by Pidge back when they were in high school, starting with only Keith, Lance, Hunk, Pidge, and Matt. The name was based off of the YouTube Channel they all shared where they did exotic tasks and dares, usually Lance and Matt carrying them out. 

When they met Allura, and Keith introduced them to Shiro, they were instantly absorbed into the chat, and when Allura added Romelle and Coran, it became an all out friendship chat, as Hunk and Allura liked to call it. Even when they ended the channel when they all went to college, the chat stayed the same. 

Lance would get about 2,000 messages a day from that chat alone but he was also usually on it. Keith never was. 

Lance looked up from his phone to see the door opening. In came Keith, looking still mad, with his eyebrows curved downward and his usual deep scowl. His hair was matted to his head. Lance stifled a laugh, the rain wasn't good for someone on a motorcycle.

Keith's eyes followed the trail of rain that had dripped from Lance's jacket, all the way to the stool where they landed on Lance.

Lance tried for a smile. "Hi," he said cautiously. Keith just blinked at him before looking at the door, then the clock, then his watch, then Lance again.

The two maintained eye contact, Keith looking confused and Lance looking a little scared, as Keith pinched his arm. Then he spoke.

"You're early."

Lance finally got off the stool. "Yeah." 

Keith didn't move. "Why." Lance could tell he was more than confused.

"I uh," he cleared his throat. God he hated apologizing. The word sorry meant that Lance was wrong, and he wasn't. Well, not entirely. 

"I wanted to come early to show you I care about my job." He paused to take in Keith's cocked eyebrow. "To show I care about this." He gestured at the space between them. 

For a second, Keith looked like he was going to smile, or be happy. But then it was gone and he crossed his arms and popped his hip. "So are you saying sorry?" 

Lance frowned and slipped his hands in his pockets, he shrugged. "I....yes..?" 

Keith stared at him expectantly. Lance sighed. "I'm sorry Keith." He said sarcastically.

Keith smirked. "For?"

Lance groaned. "For being late all the time...and punching you in the face." 

Hot Mess ~Klance Modeling AuWhere stories live. Discover now