45. forget me nots

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Matt entered GAE in his usual attire. And he felt good. Because lately, his house had been cleaner, he'd been getting full nights of sleep, and eating properly again.

And it was all because of Shiro. He had to thank him, right?

The happiness and fulfilment he felt from this job, it was all because of Shiro.

But still, he rarely saw his best friend.

They worked in opposite buildings on the campus, Shiro working with the leadership tasks, controlling the workforces, including Matt's.

Matt tried to find a way to contact him, and he searched for ways to get to the main hq of GAE, but time and time again he didn't have access.

And once again, with a wavering smile as he took the glass elevator to his office, he calculated another way to get to his best friend.

Was it that he wanted to say thank you? Or...maybe he just missed him?

More than usual...

He didn't know what it was. Not the usual heartache he felt around his best friend, but more suffocating.

And more empty.

He made it to his office, and began unpacking his papers when a knock on the door led to the entrance of Lena. She looked as uptight as ever, eyes locked onto Matt.

"Good morning, Holt." She said. " New recruits for the Locus Mission. We need background checks. Did you finish your report? " She asked, placing the laminated files on his desk.

He nodded. "I'll email it."

She nodded, before starting for the door. Matt's uncertain voice stopped her.

"Hey, Lena..."

" Matt, for the thousandth time. " She said, stopping at the door. "I can't get you to Mr. Shirogane. He's too busy preparing the flight, okay? And you'll be promoted sooner or later, don't worry."

Matt nodded. Of course she knew what was bugging him. She always did.

"Lena." Matt called again.

She chuckled dryly, turning back to him. "Yes?"

" I don't know why, but. My mind won't stop revolving around the same things. It's exhausting and I feel trapped. " He didn't know why he was telling her of all people.

But something about her was so calculated and precise. She was predictable, and that was comforting.

"Well." She smiled. " For me, when I'm stressed, I just need a distraction. "

"Distraction?" Matt asked.

Lena blushed. "Yeah."

" What do you have in mind? "

She shrugged. "Actually dinner." She bit her lip. "Are you free tonight?"

Matt didn't expect that. "Uh...sure, yeah."

She nodded. "Awesome." And then she was gone.

Matt watched her leave, his thoughts contradicting each other at lightning speed.



"Hi." Matt said nervously, sitting across from Lena in the booth. They were at Olive Garden, which Matt hated. But he didn't feel like bringing that up would help calm his nerves. 

" Hey. " Lena said.

When Matt didn't look at her, she blushed, fixing her rounded glasses.

"Look, I didn't mean to make this awkward or overstep. But uh, I'm not stupid. And I know about your thing with Mr. Shirogane.

Hot Mess ~Klance Modeling AuWhere stories live. Discover now