46. arcade

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Romelle stepped into the apartment gripping the daffodil embroidered strap of her purse. Vanessa, the real estate agent from Greenville threw out her hands with a grin. 

"So this is it in person, obviously bigger than the website snapshots. But since you've already signed the waver, welcome home!"

The rain pattering the large living room window matched the beating of Romelle's heart as she smiled. "This is wonderful!" She exclaimed.

" Yes, " Bandor agreed, following behind his sister. "It's perfect for you."

" I know, right! " Romelle practically skipped across the room. She dropped her purse, throwing her hands around in wild motions to emphasize her excitement. "This can be my art studio! And I can work right in front of this window...and, now I can host parties!! Squeee! And- and- what if I got a kitten?"

Bandor chuckled. "What if we got your boxes out of the truck?" He asked with a jab towards the door.

Romelle turned. "Right, right." She flew past him. " Boxes! "


Bandor helped move the boxes into the house, where she kept her stuff in the middle of the living room. They put down plaster, and towels, and began repainting the house a peach color. It was delicate, and reflected Romelle's aura. She loved it.

After that, they went to lunch while it dried, before going back to unpack, put everything up, and decorate to Conan Gray late into the night.

Bandor started for the door, the moonlight of the late october sky glinting through the large window.

"Remember to close your curtains for the night, Romy."  He said, sliding his coat on.

"Of course!" Romelle said, placing her jars of fairy lights onto the counter. " Drive safely, okay? "

Bandor nodded. "Always." He turned again.

" Oh, and Bandor-" Romelle said, causing him to stop.


She smiled sadly. "Thanks. For everything. I'm sorry it took me so long to move out. And uh, it's gonna take me some time to get used to being without you."

Bandor's face softened. "Aw Romy," he pulled her into a hug. "I'll never get used to being without you." He smiled, " But this isn't goodbye. "

"I know." Romelle said. " And I'm so emotional, I know. " She wiped a tear. "I just don't like being on my own, not really."

Bandor nodded. "It's okay. You're not alone." He smiled, one last time. " Plus, I'm always a call away, sis. "

Romelle chuckled. "Alright."

The door closed, as she turned sadly back to the living room, heading to the window to close the curtain.

She gripped the fabric, staring at her feet.

Then she sighed, and picked up the phone.


A pause.

"Romy? I'm here."


"Is this Kesha? Goddamn." Keith crinkled his nose. " It's been a minute since I've heard this. "

"And it's just as powerful." Lance said, faking a tear.

Hot Mess ~Klance Modeling AuWhere stories live. Discover now